Connecting DOS Machine to LAN

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Reply 21 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Kubik wrote:

Not sure what machine are you using, but if it got full DOS 6.22, you can use interlnk/intersrv to exchange files with another computer. You can add CF card in CF-IDE adapter and copy necessary files to it using cheap USB card reader. You can remove the HDD and use USB-IDE bridge to copy files to it. You can use LapLink... etc etc.
Anyway - would you mind posting a good picture of your card so we can find out more?
Is it by any chance this one? Trying to set up Linksys Ether16 LAN Card Non-PNP

It is that exact card. I'm currently waiting on a null modem cable that I can use to arrive. I can post some pictures.

The attachment IMG_20171212_205859.jpg is no longer available
The attachment IMG_20171212_205859.jpg is no longer available

Reply 22 of 38, by Kubik

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Okay, then download this package: https://www.techspot.com/drivers/driver/file/ … formation/1555/ and try tools in the Utility folder. Setup.exe is probably what you need, but you might need to load lsl.com or ipxodi.com first, or both, I don't remember. Be sure to read README\DIAG.TXT too, there are some hints in case Setup.exe doesn't work.
I recall I had problems with similar tool and I had to use the non-interactive version of setup.

Reply 23 of 38, by mbbrutman

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I hate to ask the obvious question, but at some point the floppy drive being flakey is going to be a problem - why not just replace it?

3.5" drives are all over - that's all you need. I'd get the network going just because it is useful, but don't forget about the floppy drive.

Reply 24 of 38, by xDeathCon

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mbbrutman wrote:

I hate to ask the obvious question, but at some point the floppy drive being flakey is going to be a problem - why not just replace it?

3.5" drives are all over - that's all you need. I'd get the network going just because it is useful, but don't forget about the floppy drive.

Yes... I will look into that... Eventually... But honestly, if I can get the network working, I won't actually need a new drive. I don't plan on installing a different OS on it, and network is much faster and easier than floppies.

Kubik wrote:

Okay, then download this package: https://www.techspot.com/drivers/driver/file/ … formation/1555/ and try tools in the Utility folder. Setup.exe is probably what you need, but you might need to load lsl.com or ipxodi.com first, or both, I don't remember. Be sure to read README\DIAG.TXT too, there are some hints in case Setup.exe doesn't work.
I recall I had problems with similar tool and I had to use the non-interactive version of setup.

THANK YOU FOR THE SETUP PROGRAM!!! Now all I have left to do is successfully get lanman or ms-client to work... I was able to run the packet driver and now it's just ms-client not wanting to initialize TCP/IP over DHCP.

The card had some weird settings. I/O Base was 240, and interrupt was 11.

Reply 25 of 38, by Kubik

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MS client usually works just fine, the only problem is that disk swapping during installation, and rather awkward configuration of TCP/IP. You have to add the right card, then add TCP/IP, configure it and then remove the default IPX - or something along these lines, and the setup program is... weird 😀 Also don't forget to specify the card config while in setup.
And btw: get 3.5" drive while they are cheap. I've missed the right window for 5.25" drives and they now cost arm and leg, while 3.5" drives are like a buck each.

Reply 26 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Kubik wrote:

MS client usually works just fine, the only problem is that disk swapping during installation, and rather awkward configuration of TCP/IP. You have to add the right card, then add TCP/IP, configure it and then remove the default IPX - or something along these lines, and the setup program is... weird 😀 Also don't forget to specify the card config while in setup.
And btw: get 3.5" drive while they are cheap. I've missed the right window for 5.25" drives and they now cost arm and leg, while 3.5" drives are like a buck each.

While the packet driver shows that it's communicating correctly, MS-Client is sitting on initializing TCP/IP via DHCP for a very long time. Eventually it fails and that's it. I don't know whats going on with it. I thought I did it right. I added TCP/IP and removed the default IPX. Nothing has a problem until that point. It throws no errors before. It just seems to not know how to get the configuration from the DHCP. In fact, what it throws after it waits for do long is that no DHCP server was found.

Reply 27 of 38, by Kubik

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Did you configure the card I/O and IRQ in MS client setup? What you're describing sounds like IRQ isn't getting through.

Reply 28 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Kubik wrote:

Did you configure the card I/O and IRQ in MS client setup? What you're describing sounds like IRQ isn't getting through.

I configured the interrupt and the I/O during setup. How am I supposed to configure IRQ though?

Reply 29 of 38, by Kubik

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IRQ and interrupt is the same thing 😀 (Interrupt ReQuest)
I am out of ideas. I would guess another good reason for this behaviour is wrong media select (coax instead of twisted pair) but in that case, packet driver wouldn't be able to connect either.
Could you post the .INI files generated or updated during setup?

Reply 30 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Rank Newbie
Kubik wrote:

IRQ and interrupt is the same thing 😀 (Interrupt ReQuest)
I am out of ideas. I would guess another good reason for this behaviour is wrong media select (coax instead of twisted pair) but in that case, packet driver wouldn't be able to connect either.
Could you post the .INI files generated or updated during setup?

I have finally had a huge breakthrough. The computer has FINALLY been recognized on the network and was able to communicate with a Windows 95 on the network. For some reason it wasn't able to see the router as a computer, despite all the 9x computers being able to. Tomorrow I am going to try to install the Links web browser to use the FTP on my router. It started getting close once I set my card to IRQ 10 and I/O base 0x300. I then had some memory issues, but running MEMMAKER solved that problem for me. I was able to run a NetBIOS game along with my 95. The router even showed it as an online PC. Thank you for helping me. You and Andre from Discord really helped with this. I'd still probably be looking for a configuration program if not. I expect tomorrow to get FTP working.

If I can describe my experience with trying to network a DOS machine with a non-PnP network card with no instructions, a different than default config, no jumpers, and no config program in one word, I'd describe it as hell. I'm just glad MS-Client came through for me in the end.

Reply 31 of 38, by zyga64

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Rank Oldbie

If you're familiar with two-panel filemanangers you'll probably find ftp client from Necromancer Dos Navigator more usefull than lynx. Needs only packet driver running. However I remember some stability issues. Anyway it is worth to try IMHO.

Last edited by zyga64 on 2017-12-19, 11:19. Edited 1 time in total.

SCAMP: 286@20 /4M /CL-GD5422 /CMI8330
Aries: 486DX33 /16M /TGUI9440 /GUS+ALS100+MT32PI
Triton: K6-2@400 /64M /Rage Pro PCI /ES1370+YMF718
Seattle: P!!!750 /256M /MX440 /Vibra16s+SBLive!
Panther Point: 3470s /4G /GTX750Ti /HDA

Reply 32 of 38, by Kubik

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I'm glad it finally worked 😀 I am actually finding MS client pretty easy to use, but that probably comes with age. Anyway, next time, I recommend you to fix the floppy first, then use Brad Driver's netboot (http://www.netbootdisk.com), it's IMHO easier than MS client, at least for initial testing and some file transfers.
BTW: the only problem I tend to have with MS client is that on some systems, net.exe simply hangs when trying to reach out to other computers. I have no clue why, and didn't find any workaround for that. But as long as it doesn't hang, it works just great 😀

Reply 33 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Rank Newbie
Kubik wrote:

I'm glad it finally worked 😀 I am actually finding MS client pretty easy to use, but that probably comes with age. Anyway, next time, I recommend you to fix the floppy first, then use Brad Driver's netboot (http://www.netbootdisk.com), it's IMHO easier than MS client, at least for initial testing and some file transfers.
BTW: the only problem I tend to have with MS client is that on some systems, net.exe simply hangs when trying to reach out to other computers. I have no clue why, and didn't find any workaround for that. But as long as it doesn't hang, it works just great 😀

I have some... questions about the FTP thing... That NDN program... I was able to get to the FTP section... And my router has its own FTP server, so I went to, as per my router's IP. It crashes the program and restarts the computer. Either I need a new FTP client, or something is screwed up. Got any clue what to do?

Reply 34 of 38, by Kubik

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I'm pretty sure there was DOS FTP program, at least that's what we were using in ancient times before Windows. That one will most likely need a packet driver.

Reply 35 of 38, by gdjacobs

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Rank l33t++

The NCSA tools have an ftp client.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 36 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Rank Newbie

Somehow, by chance, the computer recognized my router, Windows 10, and the 95 all at the same time on the network! I was able to use NET to assign a drive letter to network storage. Now I know that the computer can recognize the rest, so FTP isn't even needed. I can simply COPY any files I need now! I will have a much better time now getting what I need. I don't know why the computer started seeing the others, but I know it can, so I'm good.

Reply 37 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Rank Newbie

OK so everything was working fine... I needed to check the sound card and put a piece back on the ether card because I had thought it might have been a problem before but it wasn't. Now when it's reconnected, it won't work right for some reason. It just fails to connect now! It had even been appearing in the router settings as an online device when it was unplugged. I don't know if something is going on with MS-Client now or if something in the card reset after I took it out and put it back in... Doesn't seem to make any sense. I've been getting that no DHCP server could be found now. It seems that it'd work except that it can't find the DHCP server.

Reply 38 of 38, by xDeathCon

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Rank Newbie
xDeathCon wrote:

OK so everything was working fine... I needed to check the sound card and put a piece back on the ether card because I had thought it might have been a problem before but it wasn't. Now when it's reconnected, it won't work right for some reason. It just fails to connect now! It had even been appearing in the router settings as an online device when it was unplugged. I don't know if something is going on with MS-Client now or if something in the card reset after I took it out and put it back in... Doesn't seem to make any sense. I've been getting that no DHCP server could be found now. It seems that it'd work except that it can't find the DHCP server.

OK, so it seems that the problem was that the card has to be reprogrammed every time it's removed form the system. So I was able to fix it by simply running setup and reprogramming the card to use different settings and it immediately worked! I will just have to keep this in mind if I'm ever to do any sort of maintenance on the PC again.