Happy NewYear 2017/2018

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Reply 20 of 45, by brostenen

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clueless1 wrote:

Normally you wouldn't be allowed to bring in alcohol. This was 25 yrs ago. Nowadays, things have changed. They search your bags before you go in and do not allow any outside food or drink.

Well... That sucks.
There is nobody searching anyone for alcohol on our parks. A lot of 16 to 20 year old people are sitting in our parks every summer, and drinking as a social thing. Not that people are getting really drunk or anything, they just consume a couple of can's of beer on a afternoon.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 21 of 45, by BeginnerGuy

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brostenen wrote:
clueless1 wrote:

Normally you wouldn't be allowed to bring in alcohol. This was 25 yrs ago. Nowadays, things have changed. They search your bags before you go in and do not allow any outside food or drink.

Well... That sucks.
There is nobody searching anyone for alcohol on our parks. A lot of 16 to 20 year old people are sitting in our parks every summer, and drinking as a social thing. Not that people are getting really drunk or anything, they just consume a couple of can's of beer on a afternoon.

They love to bust people for having a little fun here in the states. I got banned permanently from a large arena because I got my hands on a single cup of beer at a Slayer concert back when I was around 19. I was literally brought into a room and interrogated so they could try to find out what treacherous swine over 21 (Legal drinking age here since around 1984) bought it for me so they could bust him (I kept my piehole zipped). If that happened now they would probably call Klaatu from The Day The Earth Stood Still to determine if earth is allowed to be spared the atrocity of underage drinking.

re: beer popsicles I brought the beer in and put it in the fridge. I want to drink it since it's just a measely little 6 pack and a few beers is all I can really stomach any more. Maybe one shot or jack on the rocks if I'm feeling really up beat. I doubt I'll make it until the clock strikes 2018 this year 😎

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Reply 22 of 45, by olddos25

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brostenen wrote:

I just wanted to be up front with a tread, so people can wish each other a happy new year 2017/2018 in advance.

I hope everyone here, will have a pleasant evening on December the 31'st. And that you will all eat well, drink well and be happy all night. If you are alone that night, then please go out and be social. At least go to a bar or something. It is hell sitting home alone, and doing nothing. Been there, done that, never again. And please avoid any accidents with fireworks. Be careful, they are not toys.

Thanks, and happy new year as well!

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Reply 23 of 45, by kixs

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Happy 2018 to all 😁

A lot happened in 2017... just hope to settle down a bit and enjoy (at least the second half) 😁

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Reply 24 of 45, by agent_x007

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For anyone who needs a subwoofer test this night : LINK 😁
Happy New Year to everyone !


Reply 25 of 45, by carlostex

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All the best for everyone. Unfortunately i'm spending my new year in the hospital, severe back pain. I hope the rest of the year is much better

Reply 26 of 45, by clueless1

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carlostex wrote:

All the best for everyone. Unfortunately i'm spending my new year in the hospital, severe back pain. I hope the rest of the year is much better

So sorry, man. That sucks. 🙁 I have a family member in the hospital too. Not a good night to be in the ER.

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Reply 27 of 45, by gdjacobs

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Being sick always sucks, but hopefully you're feeling better soon.

Also, hopefully the staff are all nice. Nurse Jessica (Rabbit) rather than Nurse Ratched.

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Reply 28 of 45, by Dude111

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Happy new year all!!!!!!!!

Reply 29 of 45, by Tetrium

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Happy new year to you all! 😁

carlostex wrote:

All the best for everyone. Unfortunately i'm spending my new year in the hospital, severe back pain. I hope the rest of the year is much better

Sorry to hear this 🙁

Best wishes 😀

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Reply 30 of 45, by brostenen

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carlostex wrote:

All the best for everyone. Unfortunately i'm spending my new year in the hospital, severe back pain. I hope the rest of the year is much better

Sorry to hear that. 🙁 Wish you good luck on recovery.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

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Reply 31 of 45, by DracoNihil

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I'm slowly recovering from getting sick the moment my parents came home from Christmas.

Man 2018 sure hasn't gone well at all for me so far.

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― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 32 of 45, by F2bnp

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Happy New Year everyone 😀

Reply 33 of 45, by carlostex

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Just a heads up on my condition, not that it is important or that anyone has to care, it is kind of serious i guess. Spinal disc herniation is the worst pain i ever felt in my life. I was blessed with not just one but two!! I was severely worried in the hospital since normal medication was of little help. They had to gave me a nice dose of morphine, which i realized the moment i started feeling dizzy and slightly nauseated. That moment i had no doubt, this shit is serious.

I'm now at home, i spend 1 hour in bed and then another hour walking around. I'm taking some opiate painkiller. I feel i'm getting slowly better, but i'm pretty scared. I think my condition is being evaluated, probably to decide if there is going to be a surgery or not. All i have to do is wait. I'm pretty sure if i do not get better, my ass is going to be fired though.

So great beginning of 2018. I sincerely hope everyone had a great start to 2018.

Reply 34 of 45, by keropi

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Happy new year everyone!

Carlos I am so sad to read about your health troubles, I wish for a speedy recovery my friend! Even a simple backpain suxx, I can't even imagine what you are going through! Keep strong!

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Reply 35 of 45, by gandhig

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carlostex wrote:

I'm now at home, i spend 1 hour in bed and then another hour walking around. I'm taking some opiate painkiller. I feel i'm getting slowly better, but i'm pretty scared. I think my condition is being evaluated, probably to decide if there is going to be a surgery or not. All i have to do is wait. I'm pretty sure if i do not get better, my ass is going to be fired though.

Did it happen due to injury or sort of happened gradually?

If I were you and assuming that age is still on your side, I would try natural options first before considering anything drastic.

Just give proper input to your body and it can heal itself, sure it may take some time, but it will be permanent & non-recurring(unless the cause was trauma).

The above personal opinion is based on my own experience. As a well-wisher, I just shared it for awareness (nothing more or nothing less). On hindsight, I should not have worded it as an advice(but my belief & intention was genuine). Please ignore it.

Wishing everyone a fulfilling year ahead.

Last edited by gandhig on 2018-01-03, 09:44. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 36 of 45, by carlostex

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I think it was gradual. I remember an episode in 2015, i was living in the UK at that time. I was assembling an IKEA drawer preparing for my son's birth, and i felt a sharp incapaciting pain that made me fall to the floor immediately. My wife massaged me for a bit, hot water bag on my back and regular applications of Voltaren/Voltarol whatever basic Diclofenac compuond. I was working at Wiggle, a sports warehouse, doing picking and packing so i still went to work in having some pain, but otherwise controllable if i kept my lower back straight. Never ever had any serious episodes since until 2 days ago, was bending over to pickup a diaper/nappy to change my son and i felt the same kind of pain i felt 2 years before. It was worse this time, as it reached a point where any movement on that area produced pain like i never felt in my life.

When the ambulance came i had to endure all that pain, getting down through the stairs (no lift/elevator) and then on a wheelchair and finally a stretcher to the hospital. All kind of stuff went through my mind, life, work and even i thought that i would have to give up on my hobbies and sell everything. Specially after realizing that normal drugs weren't of any help.

Things started to get better after quite the dose of morphine, which i kid you not left me mumbling the words of Pink Floyd's comfortably numb, which was really how i felt after experiencing so much pain.

I really took a mental note of how important it is to keep mental sanity during these times, which can be difficult. There was a point where this lady, who was really a sweet person, kept annoying me how god would take care of my and all would be fine. At first didn't bother me, but after a while for a very anti-reigion person like me it really became a bit obnoxious.

As with all life experiences, live and learn is the lesson to take. I had my 2018 year resolution of finally getting an IBM Music Feature card for my 386, but getting healthier just jumped ahead. 🤣

Reply 37 of 45, by badmojo

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Here’s to a quick recovery for you carlostex, that sounds awful. Everyone has a “helpful” opinion to offer when you’re unwell but with kids involved you just want to get back on your feet ASAP I’m guessing! Fingers crossed you find an option that allows that.

New Years for me was a BBQ with family and going to watch a local fireworks display - first time the kids have seen them (not counting YouTube!) so that was fun.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 38 of 45, by carlostex

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Thanks to everyone gandhig, badmojo for your kind words. Thank you also keropi for being such a great friend all these years. I will get better, i have to, for my family and for myself. I just hope i'll be in condition to return to work next week.

Reply 39 of 45, by Oldskoolmaniac

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Where are all the drunken retro build video's at?

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