First post, by buckeye

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I'm rather "green" in this area but wanted to play later era dos games say like Doom 2, Dark Forces, Duke Nukem and etc. Seems like with a W98se system there's a myriad of ways to go about it - dos mode, window mode, boot to dos. Considering my hardware (see sig) how would you go about doing it?

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 1 of 15, by RobertJ

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Rank Newbie

I find it easiest to boot with F8 and select run previous version of DOS. You have to have MS-DOS installed and preferably tweaked on the system before installing Win98 SE for this option to be present however. If your system allows for disabling cache (my G1 has a "compatibility" mode that does the same) even better for older DOS games.

8-bit Collection: 4 64Cs, 6 1541-IIs, 1 C128, 2 1571s, 1 C128DCR
Vintage DOS: Dell Optiplex G1, ATI Rage IIC, Sound Blaster CT4520, Thrustmaster FCS Mark II, Gravis PC GamePad
Monitor: Dell 20" 2007FPb

Reply 3 of 15, by CasualRobert

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Rank Newbie
jesolo wrote:

The easiest way is to just create a start up (boot) menu configuration - refer: How to create a boot (start up) menu under Windows 9x/ME

I need to agree with jesolo. It is just way more comfortable and you can always go out of the mode to do e.g. copy new games[I know it is in MS-DOS Mode, possible too but on the Desktop itself is it much easier!] and install or tweak some other stuff.
I hope i was able to bring you further to a solution!


Reply 4 of 15, by dr_st

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Depends a lot on the games. If it's not something really old that requires tweaking speed and caches, you may be better to just run it inside Win98. It will give you better audio support for a variety of sound cards, and with less tweaking.

As much as I'm a "pure DOS mode" fan myself, I have to admit that it's often easier not to mess with it.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 6 of 15, by jesolo

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Most of the games the OP mentioned can be played without issues from a DOS box (command prompt) within Windows - if you have an AWE based card or a Live! card, then you can load much better quality soundfonts (as opposed to DOS, where you are limited to the 1 MB ROM sample set).

Reply 7 of 15, by dr_st

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Destroy wrote:

Wouldn't using Dosbox be easier? <shrug> It usually is, I feel.

Yes, but you need a way more powerful system for it. The question here, as I understand it, is how to set up an existing Windows 9x-based retro system.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 9 of 15, by chinny22

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Easiest. Run the game from within Windows.
How I do it o my P3's. Shortcut on the desktop that boots to dos to get that "authentic feel" but without an isa soundcard I wouldn't bother.

Reply 10 of 15, by tonychen

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Rank Newbie

Install Win98 first ,MS-DOS 7.1 second.

DOS7.1 supports FAT32 and larger HDD than DOS 6.22
DOS7.1 supports ISA sound card,SBAWE, ASL...

For some games, you need to turn on EMS and set frame when necessary.
For some games, you need to use himemx.exe instead of himem.sys

Reply 11 of 15, by dr_st

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tonychen wrote:

Install Win98 first ,MS-DOS 7.1 second.

Please stop giving advice that does not make sense. There is no MS-DOS 7.1. "DOS 7.1" is the unofficial term for the DOS core that comes with Windows 98. If you installed Windows 98, you already have it.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 13 of 15, by gdjacobs

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No point. Win98 can be configured to boot into DOS either (1) at startup or (2) from the Win98 shutdown menu or a shortcut.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 14 of 15, by tonychen

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dr_st wrote:
tonychen wrote:

Install Win98 first ,MS-DOS 7.1 second.

Please stop giving advice that does not make sense.

I am just SHARING my own experience. Action speaks louder than words.
I tried myself by installing DOS 7.1 and WIN98. Do you have tried yourself?

I know DOS 7.1 is the unoffical name. But it has better compatability for DOS APPS than DOS Shell from WIN98.

Whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself. Because on my retro rig, I have DOS 7.1 and WIN98. If I want to entry WIN98, just typing C:\WIN98\WIN


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Reply 15 of 15, by dr_st

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tonychen wrote:

I am just SHARING my own experience. Action speaks louder than words.

I believe you. However, just because you decided to do something unnecessary and complicated, and install a Chinese hacked OS with a collection of utilities, does not mean we should all do this or teach others to do the same. 😀

tonychen wrote:

I tried myself by installing DOS 7.1 and WIN98. Do you have tried yourself?

Why would I do that, when I have Win98 SE installed?

tonychen wrote:

I know DOS 7.1 is the unoffical name. But it has better compatability for DOS APPS than DOS Shell from WIN98.

That's irrelevant, because you can run Win98 in pure DOS mode, and then it's just the same. Besides, as you can see in this thread, there is ample evidence that certain DOS GAMES (notice the thread title) may run better from a DOS Shell inside Win98 than in pure DOS on the same machine, especially as far as compatibility with certain audio devices goes.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys