First post, by keropi

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after messing with some old HDDs and floppies I got recently and were infected with old DOS viruses I realized I need some scanning software 🤣
For a DOS environment F-PROT 3.16f with the 2009 DATs that the author provided some years ago works more than perfect but I would also like convenience of a win3x scanner...

I am not looking for an antivirus that will catch new viruses or has updates or anything, I am looking for something that is bundled with definitions from around 2000 , it will be perfect for DOS and 16bit windows viruses IMHO. There should be a 16bin windows F-PROT version from that time but really even Mcafee Virusscan will suffice.

If anyone has something like that in their archives please upload it for me somewhere, thanks! 😊

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Reply 1 of 14, by Jo22

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Hi, I think I once had an older copy (CD-ROM) of H+BEDV AntiVirus (aka AntiVir) that had a Win16 version included.
But that's very long ago, I recall. If memory serves, I got this copy of AntiVir at a computer shop (Vobis ?) ca. late 98/99.
It was among other stuff, mainly Shareware CDs and low-cost games (Software Pyramide)..

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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 2 of 14, by leileilol

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I believe there were Win16 builds of Norton Antivirus in 98-2000 IIRC.

long live PCem

Reply 3 of 14, by cyclone3d

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leileilol wrote:

I believe there were Win16 builds of Norton Antivirus in 98-2000 IIRC.

I have access to the old Norton versions 4.0 and 5.0. Both are from 1998.

I have access to 2000 as well, but it is Spanish.

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Reply 6 of 14, by gdjacobs

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My question is:
At what time with Norton did the cure become worse than the disease?

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Reply 7 of 14, by chinny22

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gdjacobs wrote:

My question is:
At what time with Norton did the cure become worse than the disease?

early 2000's cant remember the exact version but it was a sad day I realised Syamantec is now Sh*t

As to the original question, cant you just scan the disks on a newer system?
Finding Win3x version of AV will be pretty tricky.

Reply 8 of 14, by gdjacobs

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In those days, I believe I stuck with DOS based scanning utilities.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 9 of 14, by keropi

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really? NAV became sh*t on 2000?
sadly my new systems don't come anymore with IDE or FDD controllers, usb adapters are just too crappy for my taste - not to mention there is no way I know to connect 5.25" drives. I have some usb-ide bridges but they all have problems with old IDE drives under 8gb or so... it's just easier to scan on the target system than mess with adapters or have modern scanners confused with 1990 viruses 🤣

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Reply 10 of 14, by chinny22

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Think the corporate version was ok for bit longer but the home version that came pre installed included addons for email clients, browsers, firewalls which slowed the system down no end if not crashed it and wouldn't uninstall properly, as in they actually had to create a removal tool that you could download.

but anyway back on topic, even Win9x AV will be easier to find then 3.x Back when I did use though 3.11 we used the AV that came with dos

Reply 11 of 14, by cyclone3d

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I've got some stuff on the way that I was able to dig up for cheap.

Found f-secure as well but only version 7.05 and not sure if it is the full version as I haven't tried it yet. I found version 7.10 as well, but it is compressed/encrypted using the old f-secure encryption program and I have no way of finding out the key code to decrypt/extract.

From what I could find, I think version 7.15 was the last to support Windows 3.x.

Also found dead links to Dr. Solomon's 8.03... grrr. But I have 7.87 and hopefully 7.94 (new in box) on the way. I'm kinda hesitant about 7.94 being what it said it was since it came from a marketplace which doesn't really have a way to verify the version and absolutely no pics from the seller.

Anybody know if Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Deluxe 7.9.7 works on 3.x or just on 95/98, etc.? Been searching but not really finding any definitive answers.

I've also got a few others that I was able to dig up... maybe more on that later if/when I get a chance to test.

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Reply 12 of 14, by keropi

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^ oooohhhhh
I have put eBay alerts and an ad on amibay but nothing spectacular until now
I have no idea about f-prot but I see that dr. solomon's av toolkit has a 8.03 win3x version: https://web.archive.org/web/20000229212430/ht … -avtk/index.cfm , again no idea about the "deluxe" version
are you sure you have dr. sololomon's 7.87 and not 7.78 ? 😁


let me know if I can help in any way 😀

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Reply 13 of 14, by cyclone3d

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Yep, the center of the CD says 7.87 as does the 3.5" utility disk. I didn't search for any specific version.. just looked at the pics.

The attachment 7.87CD.jpg is no longer available
The attachment 7.87_Utility_Disk.jpg is no longer available

I really hope that the 7.94 I ordered is really 7.94. The pic of the box says 3.1/95 but pretty sure it is just a stock pic.

The page that lists 8.03 that you linked is the same one I ran across.

I may end up ordering the Deluxe 7.9.7 since it is supposedly available new from our distributor but I am guessing it is only Windows 9x/NT compatible.

8.5 is also available, but I know that one is definitely only 9x or higher.

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Reply 14 of 14, by bestemor

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Here is an unknown version of NAV(Norton/Symantec) from around 1999 it seems, judging by the file dates. The info in the '3892_nav' pdf seems to indicate support for both DOS and win3.1 :


Looks like an IBM ftp server, though I can't remember why I have saved this link... probably some other useful software was found there as well.

EDIT: looking closer, it may seem that there is no actual program here ? Just a demo exe file ?
I just happened to see the antivirus directory when browsing the rest of the server... so, I may be mistaken about the real contents here... 😐