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Reply 20 of 126, by Glidos

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It seems to be the folders named bloodsmoke, three, eight and nine that are unused.

Reply 21 of 126, by Glidos

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z9d10, I can probably autogenerate the missing link files to make your textures work with the UB version, but I'd need a Capture folder for the caves level made with your version. Would need to be complete too (fully searched). Do you still have your capture folder?

Reply 22 of 126, by z9d10

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paul ,

Yes I still have all of my original capture folders , how should I go about wrapping the folders up for post here ? ( you just need the folder/texture co-ordinate relationships and not the original .bmp's right? . I mean I could delete all of hte original .bmps (leaving the file names intact) and replace them with a tiny BW image to reduce the total file size? )

If you could teach me that "auto-generate the ...links" trick I would be forever greatfull ( making all of the links for the common elements in a level is quite tedious)

for the installer :
all of the files need to be in C:\temp , as mentioned

It is a sorry method I know , but the only one I could seem to figure using only winrar's self extractor .

jc: the installer will not overwright anything without promting you first , although I cannot even begin to predict how glidos will react with tons of "conflicting" stuff in the texture folder, again I do mention in the installer that it is probably a good idea to rename your texture folder if you wnat to avoid trouble .

gambit : yes same fellow as quest - I did mention that I keep losing my passwords for this site . the last year or so was spent in and out mostly where the internet was impossible to connect to for various reasons. you can image how this effects ones ability to maintain things like passwords and e-mail accounts and such . sorry you find my upload to be "in bad Form" I believe the upload limit for this site is 5 meg, and I honestly didn't have a chance to track down a) an installer b) a site where I could hang 25 meg or so . also the folders do install independantly they just look for the next folder in the chain after installing .

Reply 23 of 126, by Gambit37

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also the folders do install independantly they just look for the next folder in the chain after installing .

That's what I consider bad form. What if I only want to install one of your levels? I think you should remove these dependencies from the installers.

Regarding conflicting stuff, I have some suggesstion for this which I think would be cool to put in v.133 and would really help avoiding conflicts. I'll write something up soon.

As for having space available for uploading, my offer still stands for the new website, I've just had no time to work on it. Having said that, I don't think I'm going to have enough space at Larashome to store full sets of texture packs for everyone. I will probably have to buy a new hosting package. It's time I did that anyway, my current host is a bit rubbish.

Reply 24 of 126, by Glidos

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I need the capture folder exactly as generated by Glidos. I believe that mostly the little textures are the same, but collected differently into the large 256x256 blocks, so I'm planning to write a program to recognise the differing locations of the textures. That's why I need the bmps.

I'm looking only at Caves for now, so just those folders would be good.

Reply 25 of 126, by Glidos

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Conflicts: since you are mostly putting your textures in your own subfolder of Textures, the only conflicts are with the mapping files. (although z9d10, you have the title implemented with raw hash-named folders, which would be better changed to work like the rest of the pack).

So it is only the mapping files that need backing up before an install.

As I've mentioned before, I think all our texture packs should carry a backup copy of the mapping file (or files), kept in the author-specific subfolder, and a .bat file for copying them into the top level of the Textures folder where they will get used.

Better still we should split the mapping file into separate ones per level, and use an agreed name for each. That way we wont have two packs fighting to source the same level, although we can have a mixture of author's levels active at any time.

Reply 26 of 126, by Glidos

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winrar: I'm certainly no expert, but when I've used it I've just had to select which files to install and where to install them - no need to mention a temp folder.

Reply 27 of 126, by Gambit37

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Going off topic here, but I think the scenario of people mixing packs from different artists is unlikely. And as an artist, I wouldn't really want people to do that. What is the point of me spending all that time making a consistent set of levels, only to have someone play one of the levels with completely different look? Makes no sense to me!

This is why I'd rather Glidos didn't look at all the mapping files in the textures folder, but instead had a selection mechanism for choosing which set to use. It's then down to the artist to collect everything together as they see fit and there are no conflicts with other data. This is especially useful if you want to edit the mapping file to pint somewhere other than the Glidos textures folder, which I normally do as I hate having custom stuff in my Program Files.

Reply 28 of 126, by Glidos

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I know there is some demand for mixing packs because I want to do it myself. 😁 If ever anyone does complete the retexturing of the whole game then maybe I wont, but I think its very clear now how much effort this task requires, and that it may take many years.

Reply 29 of 126, by Gambit37

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You might be surprised....

Reply 30 of 126, by Glidos

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I'd certainly like to be surprised

Reply 31 of 126, by Jedi Ninja

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I would personaly like to see it made as simple and easy as possible so I just need to check off what set of textures I want. Something like how the resolution is selected with the main artists each having their own and maybe an extra box where you can put a custom mixture of levels or textures.

Reply 32 of 126, by z9d10

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I will see if I can get that file to you within the next couple of days.

winrar: I'm certainly no expert, but when I've used it I've just had to select which files to install and where to install them - no need to mention a temp folder.

yes, quite, but the self extractor can only autorun (after unpacking) external files that are located in the same folder as the original file.

The texmap folder is set up the way it is for maximum mobility and independance. Moving it anywhere only requires changing one line in the .txt texture mapping file .

loading any one level only requires loading the "starthere" file and whichever level you desire . That's another one of the reason I broke the files into parts named "caves, villa, LV, qual, ...etc" . The down side is part of the benefit of the texmapping abilities of glidos. That down side being some shared files will not be present if all of the previous levels are not loaded .

Reply 33 of 126, by z9d10

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Paul I am not sure I understand how (to make one do what you suggest) or why a .bat file would be useful . Perhaps you could elucidate a bit further on the subject.

also I think I have every version of TR available . I could do a little checking with different version captures and see what pops out . I think I have figured out the co-ordinate system the textures are assigned with , although I have noticed that capture run thoughs (using the same version on different machines) does not always produce the same capture results . i wonder if one could "force" capture results using some sort of DMA override or control . May not be beneficial though.


firstly I think Glidos could be modified so that one could choose from a simple menu which .txt texture mapping file glidos uses. So long as no one puts "raw" ( the files glidos generates ) files into the texture folder ( the way I lazily did with the start menu folders)

AFter looking at your very useful screen shot I can say you are not missing those textures . I missed a few door edge textures , the pony tail is a working texture and should not have been included , the animal textures have not benn completed for the bear, bat and red dino, and none of the TLink files ( for sharing the textures between levels ) have been generated by me for the animals .

I apologize for the 'rough edges' but 😀 hey it's still free 😉

ANd I am not anything more than a shade tree artist 😀 ( I mean I have a day jobandno formal ,or any ,'artist' training)

Last edited by z9d10 on 2006-03-11, 00:26. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 34 of 126, by Glidos

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z9d10 wrote:

I will see if I can get that file to you within the next couple of days.

Thanks. Just the caves for now will be fine. Must be a thoroughly searched out capture though (Lara must have seen everything).

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can provide something that deals with the version differences once and for all - a set of files that can be added to any texture pack, but it may turn out that different set of files are needed for each authors style of folder structure.

z9d10 wrote:

winrar: I'm certainly no expert, but when I've used it I've just had to select which files to install and where to install them - no need to mention a temp folder.

yes, quite, but the self extractor can only autorun (after unpacking) external files that are located in the same folder as the original file.

I don't understand. Why don't I run into any problems like this with the AudioPack?

z9d10 wrote:

The texmap folder is set up the way it is for maximum mobility and independance. Moving it anywhere only requires changing one line in the .txt texture mapping file .

Its good to have the texmap folder, but it would be better still to have it inside the Textures folder so it can have a realtive path, and to give it a name that is less likely to clash with other's work (snarsky say). The current position works against mobility: if someone moves their Glidos folder, or has two Glidos folders and moves textures from one to another, then your pack stops working. Also you must have to do something in the installer to rewrite part of the mapping file if Glidos is other than in the default location - which is presumably a pain you could do without.

z9d10 wrote:

loading any one level only requires loading the "starthere" file and whichever level you desire . That's another one of the reason I broke the files into parts named "caves, villa, LV, qual, ...etc" . The down side is part of the benefit of the texmapping abilities of glidos. That down side being some shared files will not be present if all of the previous levels are not loaded .

I don't see that you have much choice. Either each level would have to be self contained, which would lead to larger downloads, or you have to do as you say.

Reply 35 of 126, by Glidos

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Jedi Ninja, I agree. Sometime I should rework the UI of Glidos so that everything in glidos.ini is available via dialog boxes, and that should include selection of texture packs. Trouble is, there always seems to be something more important to sort out first.

Reply 36 of 126, by Glidos

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z9d10 wrote:

Paul I am not sure I understand how (to make one do what you suggest) or why a .bat file would be useful . Perhaps you could elucidate a bit further on the subject.

You could have a folder Textures\snarsky\maps which has copies of your map file (or files). They would not get used by Glidos because it doesn't look that deep for mapping files. You then have a file Textures\UseSnarsky.bat which has the command

COPY snarski\maps\*.* *.*

After running it, your textures would be used by Glidos because there would now be copies of your mapping files where Glidos looks for them.

If everyone split their mapping files up into levels, and we kept to fixed names for each. Then running the bat file would overwrite any existing mapping files (from some other author) for the levels your pack supports, and stop any conflicts within Glidos.

z9d10 wrote:

also I think I have every version of TR available . I could do a little checking with different version captures and see what pops out . I think I have figured out the co-ordinate system the textures are assigned with ,

Could be handy. If I can write some sort of tool to generate the extra link files, we still need the raw captures from the various versions to seed the process.

z9d10 wrote:

although I have noticed that capture run thoughs (using the same version on different machines) does not always produce the same capture results . i wonder if one could "force" capture results using some sort of DMA override or control . May not be beneficial though.

Not sure what you mean by direct memory access. Glidos is just a glide emulator. It sees nothing of the game other than the graphics commands. It can pull out the big macrotextures with ease because these are sent explicitly by TR. But to pull out the subparts, it has to analyse the subareas that are mapped onto polygons during the game. And if Lara doesn't get to see something then Glidos doesn't either.

Reply 37 of 126, by z9d10

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first things first ,

I ( PSP7 did actually ) translated all the .bmp's into png's for size benefit's
I am fairly certain all of the textures are captured here , although I had some problems capturing some of the small wall textures on what appears to be a static mesh near the jump ( to the last switch ) over the exit entryway .

Reply 38 of 126, by z9d10

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I don't understand. Why don't I run into any problems like this with the AudioPack?

not sure , downloading the audio pack now . best guess though is the seperate.exe's and a limitation with (my older version?) of winrar's scripting . It looks like winrar simply adds commands to a script list , I will try editing this to see if it can run script commands not written by winrar

... position works against mobility

agreed , the key being 'current' . I actually have four sets of textures in folders (named glitr , glitr1, glitr2, etc..) located directly on my root (c:\) or more often a cdrw drive but decided that other people may not want the textures unfolding some place seperate from glidos ( being related as they are to glidos ) .

forgive my thickness but I still can't understand why being in the texture folder would be a better that being ..elsewhere . If the idea is one of modularity between texture paks I think the structure of the files inside the texmap folder has to remain fixed otherwise the link structure will fall all to hell . again please forgive my cofusion , perhaps I do not understand the special nature of the texture folder.

Reply 39 of 126, by z9d10

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you mean by direct memory access

DMA is normally random,but when you want to cheat games or whatnot(by introducing ones own numermeric values for certain variables)thereis a way to force DMa allocations to use the same parking space so to speak every time.

another thoughT is that the mipmapsetting produces a different set of textures,I wonder if the mipmap folders names/captures are the same for all tr versions.