Reply 20 of 21, by MiniMax

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Rank Moderator
Vaelor wrote:

I'm sorry MiniMax, but I have absolutely no comprehension of what it is you're asking me here! <snip>

What information exactly is it that you're asking me to provide here?


Vaelor wrote:


Ignoring the errornous C:\, and turning it into:


the working command line equivalent would be:

dosbox -c "mount C E:\FURYOF~1" -c "C:" -c "FURY.EXE"

DOSBox 60 seconds guide | How to ask questions
Lenovo M58p | Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | Radeon R7 240 | LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH40N | Fedora 32

Reply 21 of 21, by MiniMax

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Rank Moderator
Vaelor wrote:

I notice your profile says you're the DOSBox author - perhaps you might be able to tell me, is loading games this way, with a seperate config and autoexec for each game I want to run, the best way to use DOSbox from the command line?

But Qbix is using Linux so he is a little handicapped when it comes to Windows and how it handles command lines 😁

I have developed a very standard way of running games with DOSBox 0.65. A Run.cmd file to launch DOSBox, and game-specific dosbox.conf file overrides the default 0.65 values. It goes like this:

@	echo off

if not defined dosbox (
set dosbox=%ProgramFiles%\DOSBox-0.65\dosbox.exe

if not defined unpacker (
set unpacker="%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -o"Unpacked"

if not exist "capture" mkdir "capture"
if not exist "C-drive" mkdir "C-drive"
if not exist "Unpacked" %unpacker% "download.zip"

start "DOSBox" "%dosbox%" -noconsole %*

(if you have the game on a CD simply comment-out the if not exist "Unpacked" %unpacker% "download.zip".

In the same directory as the Run.cmd file, I have the dosbox.conf file. It generally follows this outline:

# DOSBox 0.65 configuration for "Game-name" by Publisher, Year.
# By MiniMax



@ echo off

rem +---------------------------------------------------------------
rem ! Mount the virtual harddisk and the CD-drive.
rem +---------------------------------------------------------------

mount C "C-drive"
mount D "Unpacked" -t cdrom

rem +---------------------------------------------------------------
rem ! Check for FreeDOS Keyboard handler and select an enhanced (/E)
rem ! Danish (DK) keyboard with codepage 850.
rem +---------------------------------------------------------------

if exist C:\FreeDOS\KeyB.Exe C:\FreeDOS\KeyB.Exe DK,850 /E

rem +---------------------------------------------------------------
rem ! Are we ready to run the game, or should we try to install it?
rem +---------------------------------------------------------------

if exist C:\GAME\Game.Bat goto Ready
if exist D:\Install.Exe goto Install
goto Done


rem +---------------------------------------------------------------
rem ! Switch to the CD-ROM drive, and inform the user about which
rem ! command to use for installing the game.
rem +---------------------------------------------------------------

echo Type INSTALL to start the game.
goto Done


rem +---------------------------------------------------------------
rem ! Switch to the harddisk , and inform the user about which
rem ! command to use for running the game.
rem +---------------------------------------------------------------

cd \GAME
echo Type GAME to start the game.
goto Done

Show last 2 lines
echo on

DOSBox 0.65 follows these rules when it starts:

1. Create internal configuration.
2. Override it with the one specified by -conf

If there is none at step 2, then
3. Check current directory for dosbox.conf.

If none is found at step 3, then
4. Check %HOME% for dosbox.conf.

My method has no -conf and solely relies on step 1 and 3.

DOSBox 60 seconds guide | How to ask questions
Lenovo M58p | Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | Radeon R7 240 | LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH40N | Fedora 32