Proprietary 3D API's

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Reply 120 of 122, by marxveix

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Gona wrote on 2023-12-04, 17:33:
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2023-12-04, 17:04:
Gona wrote on 2023-12-04, 14:03:

I have added. Thanks!

Hi Gona. There seems to be some trouble with the site. It used to work earlier for me. I have to use the Internet Archive to access old versions. Isitdownrightnown says that the site is down.

I tried 3 different ISPs and they have the same result.

Hi, my site provider has blocked full country related IP domains. Write me your country in private and I will try to remove it from blocklist.

Now this site is down for me also, 2-3 days back it was ok. Still i know most of the latest working drivers by name and i have 3dcif files stored.

Edit: Server was not working probably, now site works again for me.

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 121 of 122, by Gona

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marxveix wrote on 2023-12-07, 02:58:
Gona wrote on 2023-12-04, 17:33:
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2023-12-04, 17:04:

Hi Gona. There seems to be some trouble with the site. It used to work earlier for me. I have to use the Internet Archive to access old versions. Isitdownrightnown says that the site is down.

I tried 3 different ISPs and they have the same result.

Hi, my site provider has blocked full country related IP domains. Write me your country in private and I will try to remove it from blocklist.

Now this site is down for me also, 2-3 days back it was ok. Still i know most of the latest working drivers by name and i have 3dcif files stored.

Edit: Server was not working probably, now site works again for me.

Nowadays the site is well available, but sometimes can problems occur.

It seems to me that my provider goes from blocking "black list" to enable "white list".
If someone can't access my page, write your country here or in PM.

Video card compatibility matrix for DOS games | ATI3DCIF compatibility matrix | CGL API compatibility matrix

Reply 122 of 122, by marxveix

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I share 3dcif working ati2drab files or driver soon, still the winme or any other Rage XL PCI compbatible drv is missing from the final puzzle at the moment (faulty colored picture in the game with them).Re: Compaq (HP) original drivers are broken?

Here is one of the Spadina driver , 3DCIF works for Rage XL AGP, just downgrade ATI3DCIF.DL_ to (2692), tested with Assault Rigs and clean Windows. All M6.00.xx and Spadina drivers are working if correct ATID32AB.DL_ (5031.2) is used with downgraded ATI3DCIF.DL_ to 2692, ATID32AB.DL_ 5034 also works, even with ATi Rage XL AGP.

I am miss more recent Ati2drab.dr_ from 4.11.1xxx line and newer ATID32AB.DL_ (5036), latest 4.11.1xxx ati2drab.dr_ i have is 4.11.1027 and sp11141.exe (M6.00.11) ATID32AB.DL_ (5036) file is broken.

Spadina driver (ati2drab.dr_) spb94ej.exe:

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files