First post, by marxveix

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Someone has sp11141.exe up to sp11164.exe files that has working ATID32AB.DL_ (ATID32AB.DLL) file inside? If i try to extract this file, i get error and file size after extract is zero.All affected files are dated 1999-08-26 00:00.

All of them are here: https://ftp.zx.net.nz/pub/archive/ftp.hp.com/ … /sp11001-11500/

English version of the driver is here, without extract ATID32AB.DL_ has size ~62kb
https://ftp.zx.net.nz/pub/archive/ftp.hp.com/ … 500/sp11141.exe
https://ftp.zx.net.nz/pub/archive/ftp.hp.com/ … 500/sp11141.txt

I am loking to find ati2drab driver file ATID32AB.DLL with version 5036 (these drivers have them), if someone has it or has totally working sp11141 up to sp11164 exe file, please share them.

Thank you!

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 1 of 4, by ubiq

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I happened to be on my own quest for Compaq drivers today and found myself on that very same archive. It seems that this archive is the only place on the internet that still has readily accessible downloads of all the Compaq SoftPaqs. (One of the directories I needed was empty unfortunately)

I was able to download and extract SP11141.exe with no issues, I've zipped them and attached them (2 files due to 5mb max attachment size)

Reply 2 of 4, by marxveix

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ubiq wrote on 2024-03-28, 03:09:

I happened to be on my own quest for Compaq drivers today and found myself on that very same archive. It seems that this archive is the only place on the internet that still has readily accessible downloads of all the Compaq SoftPaqs. (One of the directories I needed was empty unfortunately)

I was able to download and extract SP11141.exe with no issues, I've zipped them and attached them (2 files due to 5mb max attachment size)

Thank you for looking upiq.Unpacking sp11141.exe works, i want to unpack atid32ab.dl_ file inside sp11141.exe so that it has size after unpacking (atid32ab.dll is broken with its 0 size). Anybody has working 5036 atid32ab.dll file? Thank you

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 3 of 4, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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marxveix wrote on 2024-03-28, 07:02:
ubiq wrote on 2024-03-28, 03:09:

I happened to be on my own quest for Compaq drivers today and found myself on that very same archive. It seems that this archive is the only place on the internet that still has readily accessible downloads of all the Compaq SoftPaqs. (One of the directories I needed was empty unfortunately)

I was able to download and extract SP11141.exe with no issues, I've zipped them and attached them (2 files due to 5mb max attachment size)

Thank you for looking upiq.Unpacking sp11141.exe works, i want to unpack atid32ab.dl_ file inside sp11141.exe so that it has size after unpacking (atid32ab.dll is broken with its 0 size). Anybody has working 5036 atid32ab.dll file? Thank you

Is this particular included file version (5036) important...sp11141 was superseded by sp11685 which has a newer version of the dll?

All other sources I can find for sp11141 have the same file corruption, though I did find a download which contains version 5034.

Reply 4 of 4, by marxveix

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PC Hoarder Patrol wrote on 2024-03-28, 08:07:
marxveix wrote on 2024-03-28, 07:02:
ubiq wrote on 2024-03-28, 03:09:

I happened to be on my own quest for Compaq drivers today and found myself on that very same archive. It seems that this archive is the only place on the internet that still has readily accessible downloads of all the Compaq SoftPaqs. (One of the directories I needed was empty unfortunately)

I was able to download and extract SP11141.exe with no issues, I've zipped them and attached them (2 files due to 5mb max attachment size)

Thank you for looking upiq.Unpacking sp11141.exe works, i want to unpack atid32ab.dl_ file inside sp11141.exe so that it has size after unpacking (atid32ab.dll is broken with its 0 size). Anybody has working 5036 atid32ab.dll file? Thank you

Is this particular included file version (5036) important...sp11141 was superseded by sp11685 which has a newer version of the dll?

All other sources I can find for sp11141 have the same file corruption, though I did find a download which contains version 5034.

Thank you, sp11685 i have checked before, it is part of the M6.10 (4.11.2xxx drivers) as i remember, this does not help i think, we need driver package with atid16ab.dl_ (atid16ab.dll) + atid32ab.dl_(atid32ab.dll), atid32ab.dll is the main, more important file for 3dcif, sp11141.exe is one of the latest M6.00.xx drivers that i have found so far and has that newer atid16ab.dl_ + atid32ab.dl_ file (atid16ab.dl_ dll file is ok), maybe there are other drivers out there, even newer 4.11.1xxx ones, that have version 5036 atid32ab.dl_. It was not possible, that these packges came with faulty 5036 atid32ab.dl_ file in the first place, it is not possible to install all these exe files with setup.exe, they all should give error from setup.exe, until you change atid32ab.dl_ file with working one, 5034 or eariler. Somewhere should be original working files also, they made so many language versions of the same driver, all are bad from the start? Someone may have driver cd-s, what i have found are only with newer cd version with newer drivers.

I have 5031, 5032 and 5034 atid32ab.dl_ (atid32ab.dll) versions and i have working 3dif driver for ati2drab (M6.00 and Spadina drivers), tested with all 3dcif demos and one game (Assault rigs),all text + menu and game colors ok and working. I am also happy to have newer ATI2DRAB.DR_ driver than 4.11.1027 from the 4.11.1xxx series ATI2DRAB.DR_ 4.11.2xxx files do not work for 3dcif, but 4.11.1xxx does. Also if someone could hex edit MACXDD16.DLL and MACXDD32.DLL 5039 file, that is the latest that works with Rage XL cards, but its Macxw4 file and it calls other driver files and works at the moment only with Macxw4 drivers, but not with ati2drab or any other. I share the stuff later, 5031.2 atid32ab.dll works with 4.11.1xxx ati2drab.drv and ATI3DCIF.DLL 4.11.2692, all these three files are needed and you can use 3dcif with later version of D3D than 4.11.4033, still not working Rage XL PCI (4752) yet, but this is big step in the right direction, Macxw4 and Ati2ddad is the end of the line with d3d 4033, but not with ati2drab driver.

To be 100% sure, i make new clean Win9x install also with my tweaked driver. Macxw4, Ati2ddad and Ati2drab DX6 drivers works with 3dcif already, more info about 3dcif is here: https://gona.mactar.hu/ATI3DCIF/

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files