This is what I bought 3 months ago for about 15 euro (including shipping):
Vobis Highscreen Kompakt Serie III 386-SX
- Octec Panther II mainboard (@Stason)
- AMD Am386 SX-25
- 4 MB RAM
- 256 kB Oak VGA
- SB Pro 2.0
- Quantum LP52A 50 MB HDD
- I/O, HDD controller.
Although it's a typical budget configuration from 91', I wouldn't even consider exchanging it for this 200 euro 486. I bought it, because I liked the chasis and wanted to use it for a more powerful 386 or 486, but after I saw it came with software and configured like it was bought yesterday I decided to not touch it 😀. The ISA VGA rescued my Iwill mainboard after a a failed BIOS update, allowing me to do an emergency flash.
Some photos:
* Really nice desktop chasis, almost without scratches and in nice grey colour.

* Clean and well-organized interior:

* On-line with and without turbo:

* Booting, ver:

* Basic BIOS settings:

* C: contents, C:\GAMES\ contents, doublespace drives: