First post, by Unregistered

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I have the same problem as already discussed in the thread "TR1 install prob", the message

"Can not find *Laserlok* CD_ROM in any drive"

if I try to install the game or if I try to start the tomb.exe under Win XP.

Unfortunately the above mentioned thread from V_Raptor stopped without any information about a solution (or is there none?).

In addition, the problem is not only the installion. Meanwhile I could install the game with the installer wizard from Paul. There he downloaded the tomb.exe from anywhere, I do not know from where. But this executable also gives the above described message. So I have installed the game now, but I can not start it.

The effect is the same with all tomb.exe's that I have, the original VGA version from the CD, my old Glide version and the one from Paul.

Does anybody have an idea, or: V_Raptor, are you one step further now (if you read this message)

Last edited by Unregistered on 2003-08-13, 11:58. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 11, by Glidos

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Rank l33t

Well here's the strange thing, TR doesn't use disc protection. You can copy the audio tracks and the data onto another CD, and the result works without problem. You may be getting a message about LASERLOK when running TR, but I'm 99.5% sure it isn't tomb.exe that is generating the message.

Do you have something installed that is supposed to defeat LASERLOK? If so uninstall it. Try uninstalling anything you have to do with disc copying.

Reply 2 of 11, by Unregistered

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As V_raptor found out back in Dec 02, there is definitely a LASERLOK1+2 protection on the CD (whatever that means, I'm no expert in disc copying). In addition what else can be the meaning of the hidden directory "LASERLOK" on the CD.

If you're right that tomb.exe does not do anything and the message comes from anything else, why only in DOS mode? From the win explorer I can read the CD without problems?

I will try to make a copy of the tracks, but I fear it will not work. Next update tomorrow.

Reply 3 of 11, by Glidos

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Rank l33t
Unregistered wrote:

As V_raptor found out back in Dec 02, there is definitely a LASERLOK1+2 protection on the CD (whatever that means, I'm no expert in disc copying).

I'd be interested to know more about that. If that is true, then it is very strange that a new CD built with the audio tracks from the original and a data track containing just the original data files works perfectively. That would be the ultimate in ineffectiveness for a copy protect system. I suppose it is possible that the version I have is free of copy protection whereas yours is not.

In addition what else can be the meaning of the hidden directory "LASERLOK" on the CD.

There is a program somewhere in the system which has a print statement containing those words. That's as much as you can be sure of.

If you're right that tomb.exe does not do anything and the message comes from anything else, why only in DOS mode? From the win explorer I can read the CD without problems?

You could have somesort of odd driver installed that is active only in DOS mode. I could write something that did that very easily.

I will try to make a copy of the tracks, but I fear it will not work. Next update tomorrow.

I suppose that Tomb.exe is still the most likely culprit. I wonder whether it looks for a set of possible disc names, and "LASERLOK" is the last possibility... in which case what is the name of your TR CD?

Reply 4 of 11, by Unregistered

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And that's the way it works (thanks to the "google news group search"):

There are definitely at least two versions of the TR1 CD on the market: a green labeled one which is LASERLOK copy protected and a red one without copy protection. Somewhere I found also a note about a blue one, don't know further details about it.

The original green one was substituted by the red one after a while, because the LASERLOK also led to some gameplay problems back in 1997.

I'm one of the "happy" guys with the original version. And there is "something" that can not work together with that feature under Win XP.

But as we already guessed, it's not the install.exe and also not the tomb.exe which looks for a LASERLOK directory on the CD. Eidos (or Core) hacked that feature into the DOS4GW.exe! After replacing dos4gw from the CD with one that I have from another old DOS game, everything is fine.

I enjoyed playing TR 1 with VDMsound and glidos without any problems (besides the spinning glidos logo and a 60 Hz refresh rate).

Reply 5 of 11, by Snover

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Rank l33t++
Unregistered wrote:

Eidos (or Core) hacked that feature into the DOS4GW.exe!

OoooooooooH! Interesting!! Good sleuthwork, unregistered!

Now, if I could point everyone toward Deep Thought where almost every available version of DOS4GW is...😀

Gee, I bet one of them might even be that DOS/4GW with the LASERLOK shit on it. 😜 If not, upload please 😜

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 6 of 11, by Glidos

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Rank l33t

Let me second that: excelent bit of detection work. And now, with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly the only explanation that can fit the evidence.

Reply 7 of 11, by Guest

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hi there i know this is canny latye. I hav just tried to install championship manager 2 onto my laptop with windows xp as someone did with tomb raide and i get same problem.



please email me if you can help please

Reply 8 of 11, by OSH

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Rank Member

The same situation (with hacked DOSGW4.exe) is in ABSOLUTE ZERO. After replacing DOSGW4.exe with and DOSGW4.SP with these from cracked version, game works!

Reply 9 of 11, by jayme17uk

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Rank Newbie

I got the blue disc (they are the SOLD OUT SOFTWARE) ones also known as Budget copies they are sold for a fiver on the sold out website

Reply 10 of 11, by dvwjr

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Rank Member
OSH wrote:

The same situation (with hacked DOSGW4.exe) is in ABSOLUTE ZERO. After replacing DOSGW4.exe with and DOSGW4.SP with these from cracked version, game works!

Could someone please upload the 'hacked' DOS4GW.EXE file to this thread? I would be interested in observing what was done for adding the copy protection sometime in th future...

Thanks again,


Reply 11 of 11, by mirh

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Rank Member

May this help?

And this should work, if somebody wanted to backup its cd.
