First post, by HunterZ

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This looks interesting: http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/11/newcomer_ … ats_been_20.php

Official site: http://www.newcomer.hu/
Product page: http://www.protovision-online.de/games/newcomer.htm

Reply 1 of 6, by Mystery

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Well, technically the game was "finished" about 9 years ago, at least they released it back in 2001.

They kept re-releasing it as "Enhanced Newcomer" and now "Ultimate Newcomer" to accommodate the new hardware for the C64 that was released later.

Nevertheless, the game is incredibly impressive for the system and I highly recommend checking it out! The fact that they still update it for recently developed hardware addons, really shows their dedication (as if 10-20 years of development didn't do that already).

Info from 2001: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=3431

I'm really tempted to dig up my old 2001 copy of the game and play it again 😀


Reply 2 of 6, by Gemini000

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It's too bad I was never really a C64 person in my youth, otherwise I might have one now and might be very interested in a project like this. Still, looks impressive for something done on the C64, though I'm left to wonder what the loading times must be like, 'cause one thing I remember clearly is that C64 games don't load very fast and this game must load a TON of data...

I like the company name too; Protovision was the name of the company in the movie WarGames that the character David Lightman was trying to hack into, using what would be considered ancient computer technology by today's standards. ;)

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Reply 3 of 6, by HunterZ

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Never was a C64 person either, but I'll probably play it on an emulator since it will be released free for people that want to try it that way.

WarGames is one of my favorite hacking movies, so I recognized the reference as well 😀

Reply 4 of 6, by RoyBatty

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I'm a c64 oldbie, stuff only loaded slow in the early times (1984), cartridges and software fast loaders were created very quickly. Most of the time they were integrated into most disk protections too. If you were in Europe and bought most of your games on tape... yeah they load pretty slow even with fast routines. That's part of the charm of the C64 though, and there is A LOT of titles for the system, and it has an active scene even today.

Newcomer is certainly worth checking out, I did some translation help on the game for the next release.

Reply 5 of 6, by Mau1wurf1977

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This makes me wonder if there is a list of C64 released very late. The last of the C64 games so too speak...

When I had the C64 I remember Turrican 2 and The Last Ninja 3 being one of the later big name titles.

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Reply 6 of 6, by Malik

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Someone's getting restless : 🤣

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