First post, by Oldskoolmaniac
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I know, I know yuck windows vista. I want to try windows vista now that there are a lot more updates and patches, my curiosity is how bad is it still?
Well so far here is the pc i build, keep in mind im trying to keep the hardware in the time of 2006.
Here are the specs:
CPU: Intel Pentium D 3GHz
Video: HD 3850 8x AGP
Motherboard: Biostar p4m800-m7a 1.0
H.D.D: 320GB Seagate SATA
O.D.D: Maddog DVD combo drive
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 64 Bit
So far after installation computer sitting in idle, not connected to internet yet im using 1.58GB of RAM (Thats just gross). Could you imagine back when people had xp the most ram you had with a stock pc was usually 512MB of ram, how could people upgrade there pc's take a look at the pentium 1 you had and upgrade path from windows 95 all the way up to windows 2000 on a p1, but in 2006 that was a huge jump xp-vista 512MB-to pretty much 4GB of ram to run smooth.
So now im on day 4 and its still trying to search for windows updates, geez 4 days straight of searching.
I will post pictures of the build later, this is just something i wanted to do while i was bored. If there are any good tweaks that will really improve then please let me know.
Motherboard Reviews The Motherboard Thread
Plastic parts looking nasty and yellow try this Deyellowing Plastic