First post, by STX

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Split from Anyone know where to get a goldfinger device?

DonutKing wrote on 2011-06-30, 22:42:

...if you dig one up let us know....

Old Thrashbarg wrote on 2011-06-30, 22:45:

I'd be interested to know as well....

luckybob wrote on 2011-06-30, 23:09:

make me another thats interested in one....

... I have one.

Edit: Added context.

Last edited by STX on 2023-10-21, 04:04. Edited 3 times in total.

Reply 1 of 7, by Ozzuneoj

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Rank l33t
STX wrote:

I have one.

Very informative.

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 2 of 7, by WildW

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I just checked and the 2B pencil I used to unlock my Thunderbird 1.2GHz in 2002 is still in my computer toolbox. Do you think maybe I don't need it any more?

Reply 3 of 7, by meljor

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Rank Oldbie
STX wrote:

I have one.

Make a couple of good clear pictures from each side, that would be nice and a lot better than ''i have one''..

asus tx97-e, 233mmx, voodoo1, s3 virge ,sb16
asus p5a, k6-3+ @ 550mhz, voodoo2 12mb sli, gf2 gts, awe32
asus p3b-f, p3-700, voodoo3 3500TV agp, awe64
asus tusl2-c, p3-S 1,4ghz, voodoo5 5500, live!
asus a7n8x DL, barton cpu, 6800ultra, Voodoo3 pci, audigy1

Reply 4 of 7, by Auzner

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The Slot A version looks like it could be recreated by cutting up a floppy cable with 5.25" drive connectors.

On old thread revival, if it takes 10 years to find parts for 20 year old stuff, can there technically be thread necroing?

Reply 5 of 7, by meljor

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Rank Oldbie
Auzner wrote:

On old thread revival, if it takes 10 years to find parts for 20 year old stuff, can there technically be thread necroing?

I don't think the necroing is that bad on a website like this, to keep some info at one place i think it is very logical (and helpful).
But necroing to only make a little comment (like '' i have one'') that doesn't really adds anything is not very useful.

That's why i asked about the photo's. Good, clear high-res pictures of the device is very nice i think.

asus tx97-e, 233mmx, voodoo1, s3 virge ,sb16
asus p5a, k6-3+ @ 550mhz, voodoo2 12mb sli, gf2 gts, awe32
asus p3b-f, p3-700, voodoo3 3500TV agp, awe64
asus tusl2-c, p3-S 1,4ghz, voodoo5 5500, live!
asus a7n8x DL, barton cpu, 6800ultra, Voodoo3 pci, audigy1

Reply 6 of 7, by STX

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meljor wrote on 2018-01-05, 23:01:

Make a couple of good clear pictures....

Behold its retro majesty and simple elegance!

The attachment 20180110_080145_cropped.jpg is no longer available
The attachment Northwind GFD 3.0 reverse side.jpg is no longer available

Would you also like a clear photo of the Slot A Athlon 600 PCB that I accidentally destroyed with a screwdriver when my hand slipped while trying to follow these simple directions? (A few surface-mount components were knocked off and went skipping across my basement floor at 100 MPH; current whereabouts of those tiny components—unknown.) I still have another Slot A Athlon, and I'll remove this one's case using two small wedges & a hammer rather than a screwdriver.

Edit: Added photo of reverse side.

Last edited by STX on 2023-10-21, 04:12. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 7 of 7, by STX

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Rank Member

Does anyone have a Socket-A–to–Slot-A adapter? I do not.

The attachment NMC Socket A slotket is no longer available
The attachment NMC Socket A slotket edge connector is no longer available