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Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Ok, thanks. I sure hope it works! UPDATE: Well, the video seems slightly better, I don't know, but the sound still is not on. I must be missing something! But, what? What is it that I need to do about the sound to make it work! I don't get it? I have done everything that you instructed me to do, but …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Ok, I set the cores & cycles, and I found out where to set the sound, but here is what happened: I managed to find it here: http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n158/freewaydog_2006/pc%20game%20probs/100_0385.jpg but, it turns out, I don't think I have soundblaster: http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/ …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
That thread has absolutely nothing to do with DOSBox. Ok, I thought it did. And I just noticed that that thread is locked and I CAN'T post on there, so I am sorry to say, that I will have to ask you: How do I get my sound on in the AFU game, and how do I fix the video so it runs smooth and NOT slow …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Ok, in the mount command the 2nd parameter (that is in your case the c:\dosgames ) has to be a directory that exists. As it tells you it doesn't exist, you have to create it. Go into the windows explorer. On the left tree-view, you have things like Desktop, My Documents and so on. Under My Computer …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Well it's really hard to make any suggestions to "i don't know what to do". As you got the installer to start up, you're quite far already. As you can see from the selection menu, something's missing (therefore it only gives you the possibility to install to Z: ). Now did you create some directory …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
I do NOT understand any of this! Maybe I am just not smart and that's why a lot of people do not have patience for me! :angry: I have tried the dosgmes forums, but I got no response. Maybe I am too stupid for them as well! :( :cry: And, I don't expect this to be a "hand-holding" forum! I know this …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Reading this is like a really bad tooth extraction at the dentist - never ending pain :) Anyways, about the original error (CD-ROM speed), you'll see that error if you haven't mounted your CD-ROM inside DOSBox correctly. Just to reiterate and add to some of DosFreak's post.... Taken from line 85 of …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
WOW! This is a lot to take in. I have to look it over, but >15. Make the "[autoexec]" section look like this: What should that "[autoexec]" section look like? Is that in #16 what it should look like?

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Final Unity is the only dos game I have! How am I supposed to "create a directory"? You have to understand that I only have a low average iq! I am not a gifted genious like you! You must be patient w/ me! I didn't know I wasn't supposed to "cross-post" here, either! I did that because I did not know …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Snover wrote: That message means what it says: you don't have a dosprog directory on your actual C drive. Note the part that says "C:\dosprog\ is an example. Replace it with your own games directory." Well, what IS my games directory?

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
> HOW DO I DO IT? I'm rather sure you'd get more help if you posted useful things like how you configured dosbox (especially the mounting) instead of asking "how do i do it" repeatedly. > Why does it have to be a "z" drive for????? Maybe dosbox is stupid, but at least there comes a README file …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Ok, I tried again w/ dosbox, this time w/ the "Optimal" install, and it went pretty well, until the end where I got this: http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n158/freewaydog_2006/pc%20game%20probs/zdrive.jpg ...at which point, I had no choice but to click "ok" and it gave me an error message that I …

Re: Star Trek: A Final Unity on Windows XP

in DOS
Which version of DosBox are you using? Make sure that your using DosBox 0.65. In/ f that doesn't work then download ykhwong's CVS Build from my signature "DosBox CVS Builds" It IS the latest version, which is 0.65. I just downloaded it yesterday. But still, how the HELL do I get it to install? …

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