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Re: Old games on LCD --video scaler?

If you want to turn a 320x200 screen into a 1280x1000 screen use the following settings: fullresolution=1280x1024 output=direct3d scaler=none Instead, if you want to turn a 320x200 screen into a 1280x800 screen, use these settings: fullresolution=1280x1024 output=direct3d scaler=normal2x I don't …

Re: Old games on LCD --video scaler?

Yes, newer nVidia cards work, but in your case you will probably have to rely on the monitor. Some do better than others. I see. I just happened to find this page though; it's about turning a PC into a high-end video scaler. Alas, the solution seems to accept only S-Video input, so I guess no hope …

Re: Old games on LCD --video scaler?

LCDs aren't perfect, but DOSBox is excellent for 320x200 games if your native screen resolution is 1280x1024. DOSBox (yhkwong's build at least) can stretch the screen ratio by 5x4, turning a 320x200 screen into a 1280x1000 screen, almost completely filling the screen with razor-sharp pixels. Also, …

Old games on LCD --video scaler?

It seems that most of us choose to stick with CRT monitor to play old games, am I correct? See, old games are mostly low-res, and LCD doesn't do well with resolutions other than its native resolution. However, CRT seems to be getting more and more abandoned by hardware vendors. So if my CRT is …

Re: A weird item description on ebay.

abyss wrote: Why would a kid use a flight control system and weapons control system.I tink who ever wrote the describtion really wanted to sell the items for a lot of money. Or maybe whoever wrote the description really used the joystick and throttle for gentle, ADULT pleasures. 😳

Re: Which Java Runtime Environment to Use

I installed DosBox. After adding a dos game to add.bat using SendTo DosBox tells me it requires Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or higher even though I installed Java Runtime Environment 6. Is this the wrong Java? I don't know if this could be any help, but based on my experience, if it says 'JRE 1.5' …

A weird item description on ebay.

Well,what to say? I spotted this stuff on ebay, and what I read on the item description really caught me unprepared. [img]http://kreshna_iceheart.blogs.friendster.com/photos/uncategorized/adultthrustmastersmall_1.jpg[/img] I kid you not. Look, I have tried to be as innocent as possible when reading …

Re: Top 10 Reasons Not To Get Vista

...most of the complainers will end up using it anyway. Yup. It has always been the case anyway --from 98 to 2000, and 2000 to XP, etc. It's kinda funny to observe, though. I guess Microsoft is the only company where people keep complaining about their products, but always end up using them anyway. …

Top 10 Reasons Not To Get Vista

The article . 1. You don't actually need it -- No, think about this. Vista doesn't do anything you can't already do with XP. About the only significant shift requiring Vista is DirextX10, but as no titles support it yet and, according to John Carmack (the godfather of modern gaming) there's no need …

Something weird on wikipedia

Was I on drugs when reading this particular page ? :shock: Hint: see the end of paragraph number two. The generally accepted definition of blitzkrieg operations include the use of manoeuver rather than attrition to defeat an opponent, and describe operations using combined arms concentration of …

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