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Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
Bioshock as a whole. It was said to be the OMG THE SPIRITUAL SEUCESOR TO SS2!!! but all it is, is a hyped up plain shooter with barely anything from its spiritual predecessor. It's less than Doom, and it's only graded on the 'experience'. Ken Levine goes on like "ya we're gaming godz uh huh yep we …

Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
Half-Life 2, Deus Ex 2, and Quest for Glory V. When I bring up HL2 being bad even at the slightest bit, it always summons rabid blind insult defense forces. Hope there isn't any here. It doesn't end there - the new XCOM and DNF are a couple of console-tailored DONOTWANTS.

Re: Realms of the Haunting - DOS

I'm curious, though, what the rationale is for the hard-line stance against uploaded versions of the game. It's illegal. Not to mention in most cases it's the most 'broken' way to play DOS games, clearly as evidenced in this very thread. It's stupid to debug an error only caused by modified …

Re: Speed sensitive DOS games...

in DOS
You wouldn't need DOSBox for games that are too fast on a P3 - just turn off the internal cache. You would only need a P4 2GHz if say you wanted to run US Navy Fighters at 1280x1024...

Re: MS-DOS Tricks and Stuff

in DOS
Not really, as I never recall a situation where I needed to mount a fake cd let alone require the disk space for a typical cd image in an oldschool dos machine while I own actual discs

Re: Realms of the Haunting - DOS

the uploader's a dumbass. Also you followed a tutorial from an abandonware site. I think there's many things in common relating to why the game is not working, but I can assure you that a real ROTH game can start many times successfully no problem within DOSBox.

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