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Re: Phantom 64

but almost every other 3D games (like Jane's ATF and System Shock ) runs choppy on 640x480 and above. Those particular two don't really run well on much faster (i.e. 300mhz) computers either. The 100mhz has enough power it needs, it just lacks the cpu and mmx for things like zsnes ;D (Except for …

Re: Virtual PC?

if there's any other possible substitute for hungry DOS games, it's booting up x86 linux and running DosEmu, but that one is not compatible with everything and not really recommended for older games either. Jane's and Novalogic sims freak out on it heh, but it's nice to play quake at 450fps+

Re: Classic DOS Games interviews QBix (DOSBox Developer)

in Milliways
midi in Win3.11 works fine, at least it did so last time I checked. I don't remember having to do anything special to make it work. Probably an error of the computer configuration (midi volume in the host turned off, or so) or wrong midi device selected in the conf. I can't speak for Win3.11, but …

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