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Re: Wing Commander 3 "Arrow-keys" don´t work.

There is a windows patch out there for WC3, no music though unless you get the converted mucic file. The patch isn't in english but you can use altavista to translate and it works none the less. It works in XP, as I have it and have played it all the way through. It has several errors though, unless …

Re: armada help

in DOS
It works in DOSBox 6.1 with EMS off, but at current the joystick doesn't work so it is virtually impossible to play. Hopefully that will change soon. 😁

Re: Joystick Not Working, Please Help!

I just tried it with the CVS as of 5/25/04 and it did not resolve the problem. I am really amased that this topic has gotten only one response. I know I'm not the only one who has the problem (as THE_WUQKED stated), it is widespread. I have seen posts by the DosBox authors and others "in the know" …

Re: Run Privateer II the darkening

Actually IIRC Privateer II requires 80 Mhz not 60 which makes it even more of a streatch for DosBox. However, more importantly Privateer II can be run in Windows 95/98/ME/XP. You need the windows patch that can be found at http://www.wcnews.com/files.shtml. I have the Deluxe Edition which is a …

Joystick Not Working, Please Help!

I have a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro USB. It works fine in windows but does not work in any of the games I try to use it in in DosBox save one. It doesn't work in Crusader: No Remorse Crusader: No Regret or Wing Commander Armada; however it does work in Wing Commander Privateer. In the games that it …

Joystick Problems with Crusader

I recently got a usb joystick and atempted to us it with dosbox .61. It works fine in privateer but it won't calibrate correctly in either of the crusaders the cowordinates just flash around and ingame the silencer just spins iraticlly... the butons do work though. Please help me.

Joystick Probems

I recently purchased a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick. It works fine in windows and with windows games. However, when I tried to use it in DosBox, I encountered a problem. The only Dos games I have that need a joystick are the Crusaders and the first privateer. I tried useing the joystick in no …

Re: Video in Crusaders??

I figured out why and how to fix the video problem. :happyhappy: Just thought I would post so anybody else with it can fix it. I kept fooling wil DOSbox's setting and figure out that the videos stop skiping at about 23000 cpu cycles, although it still slows for the more complex shots. I tryed it at …

Video in Crusaders??

Let me know if this question has been asked before (yes I looked), but I was wondering if anybody else expireced this problem. Ok, so in Crusader: No Remorse the videos work fine, although if your cycles are to high the sound will skip, but in No Regret the video's shutter and skip like hell. :sad: …

Re: Problems with sound in Crusader using Virtual PC 5.2

in DOS
I have isolated the source of the "1/4 word skip" that I expirence durring music and videos and have found that it has to do with use 16-bit sound. I was reading through some of the Virtual PC docs and I discovered that virtual PC emulates Sound Blaster 16 it is set up so that DMA 1 is 8-bit sound …

Re: Problems with sound in Crusader using Virtual PC 5.2

in DOS
I managed to fix 90% of the remaining problems. I still have the occational skip over 1/4 of a word but it is easily understandable. I fixed it by using winimage to make an .iso of the crusader cd, and then loading the .iso into Virtual PC. I asume the problem had something to do with my CD-Rom …

Re: Problems with sound in Crusader using Virtual PC 5.2

in DOS
I spent several hours messing with various settings and discovered the the problem seem to cure itself. First I tried all the different IRQ/DMA/etc. settings (no luck) then I went into DxDiag and turned off sound hardware acceleration. This is when the problem disapear. I had previouly turned off …

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