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Incoming on XP and GeForce 7600 does not start

Hello, I installed "Incoming" on a WinXP SP2 machine with a GeForce 7600 card. It won't start, error message is CreateSurface for Z-Buffer failed The pixel format was invalid as specified. Apparently this error also appears with "Forsaken". Google search reveals a post on another forum that says it …

Re: HyperBlade

I tried this game recently on Windows XP, it works fine with the Windows 2000 patch and with Direct 3D. A bit too fast in some sequences, I might try some kind of SlowMo program, but it can be played.

Re: DOS-only game that required 3dfx?

well in Windows they did (the developers of Pandemonium 2 and Gex 3D were apparently persuaded that 3dfx would have ruled the world in a short time anyway), but for a DOS-only game it would seem even more bizarre. It's just that it would be a very unusual case, and I would like to know if it …

DOS-only game that required 3dfx?

Hello, I asked the following question already in a forum of a magazine, but despite some answers have not yet been 100% sure about it. This is just out of pure interest: Does anyone know a DOS-only game, that required a 3dfx-card and had no software mode? So, a game that had no WIndows version and …

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