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Re: Ultima 7 Snow Reversed?

The main reason I don't use Exult is purely aesthetics. They cannot get the timing sincs down (and when I asked about it they said they probably never would,) for the Guardian's speech. I also prefer to play games in as close to the original environment as I can. If I had it my way I would be …

Ultima 7 Snow Reversed?

During the opening sequence of Ultima VII there is a sequence where the screen is filled with snow (video white noise.) Normally this is mostly white with dancing black bits. If I run it natively with either U7XP or U7Win (on my Windows 98 maching,) or even off of a boot disk, this displays …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Are you sure? Yes. Old Ultima releases are well documented on the net because of their collector's value. See here , for example. I'm a fan of the site too. Though, I mainly only use it to reference the collectablas I have/don't have. Ok, I stand corrected. U4 has 2 for PC and 1 for Ami, U5 has 2 …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Ok, 1 example of disk multiplication. Ultima V. Amiga = 2 880k disks, PC = 4 1.2m disks. Wrong. The PC version of Ultima V came on either four 360K 5.25" disks or two 720K 3.5" disks. Are you sure? My Amiga couldn't read the HD disks in it's DD drive. I was attempting to run it in PC-Task because …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Ok, 1 example of disk multiplication. Ultima V. Amiga = 2 880k disks, PC = 4 1.2m disks. As for Elvira, that was an example of the sound. As for the graphics, I've played them both, and the PC's graphics weren't all that much better than the Amiga's. A slight improvement is all, not enough …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Actually most of the HDD space issue is because the Amiga used a more efficient storage format than the PC's FAT system. Less wasted space. Do you have any links explaining why the Amiga file system is that much more efficient? I really don't think slack space was much of a problem on 250 MB hard …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Not sure what to say about hard drive space on Amigas, but if I'm not mistaken people were running stuff on Amigas off of boot floppies for a lot longer than they were on PCs, so perhaps stuff was installed less frequently. And I'm sure that if your Amiga is outperforming your duo-core on "simular …

Re: AMIGA games VS IBM PC ... which are better?

Back when I originally had an Amiga & PC at the same time. I'd have to say that just about every game (about 95% or so,) that I had for both systems were either better or just as good on the Amiga. About the only reason I used the PC at all was for the games I wanted that just didn't have an Amiga …

Re: Talk about rare games....

A few years ago Stanford University inherited large collection of video games. There was a piece of video in the news showing many boxes of stuff like PC versions of Pacman and Frogger... I was almost ready to stop the video and forget about it when they pulled another item out of the box and that …

Re: Talk about rare games....

There was also a Japanese only game called Ultima Gaiden for the Super Famicon (the Japanese version of the SNES.) I think you will find that is actually the Japanese version of Runes of Virtue II. There was also a port of Savage Empire. Well, that makes me feel better :) Was afraid there was an …

Re: Talk about rare games....

Well ack... I forgot all about the SMS version of U4. Don't think about it much as I never had a Sega, and it didn't come with any collectables. As for Runes of Virtue, I forgot those as well. There were actually 2 games. Runes of Virtue on the GameBoy, and Runes of Virtue II for GameBoy and SNES. …

Re: Talk about rare games....

Actually, from what I understand, most diehard Ultima fans don't really consider this an Ultima game (despite the name.) Sierra put it out on their own (w/o Lord British,) when they still had the rights to future Ultima games. That being said, I'm ashamed to admit that if I had the money I'd …

Talk about rare games....

I know I've commented in several threads about the rediculous amounts some people ask for older games. However, in this case ( http://cgi.ebay.com/Ultima-Escape-from-Drash-Commodore-VIC-20-Sierra-Game_W0QQitemZ220437857419QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item33531ec48b&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 …

Re: Show full directory name

I think they assign it depending on which number is availible at creation, Windows stores two names per file on the file system. Create PROGRA~1 Create PROGRA~2 Create PROGRA~3 Delete PROGRA~2 Remaining: ~1 and ~3 Yes, that is the way Win32 does it. When a new file/directory is created, it assigns …

Re: Show full directory name

not entirely true. the ~ names are generated by dosbox and can actually differ from the ones generated by your OS. I guess DOSBox uses the host OS as a filter to read directories, instead of reading them directly? If it just did a direct DOS access to the assigned directories (mount c: c:\oldgames) …

Re: windows licences

Technically the sale of any copyright material is just the sale of a "license" period. If you go buy a book, then you have a "license" to own and read that copy of the author's work. Same thing with a DVD (or for the fogies out there, VHS Tape,) CD, Record, Cassette, etc... This is why the "license" …

Re: Show full directory name

NOTE: If you are using a MAC, my entire post will probably be totally wrong and useless. The ~ named folder's & files are actually created by your OS, not by DOSBox (in case you didn't know that.) This is the actual physical name of it on the HDD (if you can consider anything on a HDD physical.) …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly part two

I don't think anyone is saying that there aren't any good games today. What we are saying is that they are becoming harder and harder to find. When we do find them, they are generally put out by companies nobody has ever heard of. Many times, we don't even hear of them until they've been out for …

Re: windows licences

Go to your local parts dealer and get a $1 CD audo cable, then pad that into the cost. Heck, it could easily be considered a handling charge, and most people won't begrudge it unless you try (like some,) and set a rediculous amount (S&H for a 5lb item is $120+, now that is rediculous.) You are …

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