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Sub 688 Null Modem issues

Hello, I have been trying to use the null modem emulation in dos box to play multiplayer on "sub 688 attack sub" I can connect the two dosboxes together, however when I begin the game and attempt to connect there is an error message in the status window telling me overrun: 10. Now I have tried to …

Re: Null Modem Overrun Errors

I found the manual and this is what it says, Using a Null Modem Cable You can also play a modem game using a "null modem". A null modem is a cable that transmits information from your computer's communication port to that of your opponent's. You don't need modems at all when you use a null modem …

Re: Null Modem Overrun Errors

Not that I know of, it was a long time since I have played it, I thought a null modem cable just simulated a modem, So I was just originating on one and auto-answer on the other, something must of have been happening because those errors were registering in the answering side.

Re: Null Modem Overrun Errors

Does this mean, I will not be able to play multiplayer with it? I know on my older computer back in the day I used to play with my father using a null modem cable. The virtual null modem cable just doesn't seem to be working.

Re: Null Modem Overrun Errors

the actual message is "Serial1: errors occurred: Framing 0, Parity 0, Overrun 10, , Break 0" This is the message that repeats while I am attempting to link both games, when the link begins the first message has overrun as 2, and then it follows as I wrote it above.

Null Modem Overrun Errors

Hello, I have been trying to use the null modem emulation in dos box to play multiplayer on "sub 688 attack sub" I can connect the two dosboxes together, however when I begin the game and attempt to connect there is an error message in the status window telling me overrun: 10. Now I have tried to …

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