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Re: Magic Carpet crash after sound config

I would recommend trying the dos32a extension and using that. Using it will be much easier if you're playing the game from a hard disc drive. I used it to run Magic Carpet on my old AMD 1600 mhz computer. It ran well with no crashes in lo-rez mode. This is where you can download the extension (I …

Re: Magic Carpet Multiplayer

Yes. DOSBOX .70. Connection was made (one computer was server, the other client) and netbios was running. I actually managed to start one networked game, but I am having difficulty consistently reproducing it. I guess an answer to this question would help me the most: What order should the following …

Re: Magic Carpet Multiplayer

Ok, so I have managed to get all the netbios and IPXNet stuff together and have even managed to start a networked game of Magic Carpet. However, I can't reproduce it. When I'm on the network screen with the wizards, levels, etc. I got a networked game to start once both LANed computers had a …

Magic Carpet Multiplayer

Works. Needs Netbios though (and IPXNET - edit the DOSBOX.cfg file). Also needs to start with 'carpet.exe -network'. I created a batch file carpet.bat like this (ignore anything in brackets) @echo off cls ipxnet connect 192.168.0.??? (server to connect to) ipxnet startserver (in case it doesnt …

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