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Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Tum-te-tum-te-tum. :sly: To be honest, I'm really not sure. My belief, by inspecting the code, was, as I wrote in my ReadMe: "The Music Volume option in the menu does not work, except to disable the CD audio if set to 0." But I don't totally remember the details. I think I tested it briefly after …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Hmm - I was pretty certain that it was disabled, although I only inspected the code, rather than actually trying it. Could be that it was enabled in the original software version, but disabled in the 3dfx version.

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
As I think I mentioned in my readme for the patch - the CD volume control in the Tomb Raider menu is non-functional anyway. It doesn't issue the actual volume control commands to the CD drive. There is some stub code in there, but it appears they disabled it, presumably because it didn't work …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Yes, the "audio tracks already played" and "last audio track played" state information is not saved in the game file. So after reloading, you can replay tracks. This is the original behaviour of Tomb Raider, and it's what has always happened on the PlayStation. A silly, but authentic, bug. It would …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
starting from exercise No.3 in gym they become quiet and noisy until the end. Anybody can confirm it? Sound like it's dropped back to the internal 8-bit sound. Which it should normally only do if it thinks the track it wants is unavailable (which it determines up-front by asking for the number of …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
If you play my MP3s on Windows Media Player you tend to get the start cut off too. I would hope there's nothing wrong with the MP3s - they were extracted with care from a PlayStation CD using Exact Audio Copy and FLAC, but they do start right at the start of a track. Presumably Glidos is using the …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
There are some funnies. In Lara's house I keep getting a commentry from the end of one of the Egyption levels. Is this with the original Glidos audio pack? That doesn't contain the tracks for Lara's house, whereas my pack does (although it's not packaged for Glidos). You need to make sure that the …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
I think it must be elsewhere. What about the Play request for the music cue? It appears you need to return "Busy". If it doesn't, it assumes you've failed to start playback. Are you returning "busy"?

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
What are the calls you're seeing from TR? Every 4 seconds or so (120 game frames) it should issue Ioctl Input 6 (Device Status). It checks bit 0 of byte 1 of the ioctl block to see if the door's open. Assuming it isn't, it issues Ioctl Input 12 (0Ch) (Audio Q-Channel Info). It looks at the resulting …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Cool. I'd be fascinated to know what I might have changed with the audio patch to stop Glidos' emulation doing the loop. I've wracked my brains, and I can't see it. It would be easier for you to spot it than me, I suspect - you're working in a high-level language, and can probably add debugging to …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Ah, hi Paul. Wrote that response before I saw you'd replied. Is there any particular reason for wanting to do your own Redbook emulation rather than use SAPUCDEX? Clearly you may want to intercept CD INTs to provide MP3 support, but for real CD access, it seems to me that SAPUCDEX is stable, and …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Okay, I've got a work-around/fix. It appears that something I've done has pushed Glidos' CD audio handling over the edge. The solution? Ditch it and use SAPUCDEX, as VDMSound does. Following some instructions I found elsewhere from people who did this, here's the procedure. Obtain SAPUCDEX, and copy …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
If you don't have a CD audio connection, then you'll have to leave digital audio on. I can't see any way of passing command line options with Glidos. And if the CD emulation isn't working either, I'd suggest you ditch it for now and use dgVoodoo/VDMSound. That works much more smoothly for me than …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Righty ho, just checked it in Glidos myself. Glidos was misbehaving somewhat - had to keep hitting Alt-Tab to get the screen back, but I get the same audio behaviour as you. But the same binary works fine in dgVoodoo (I just checked). So I guess it's got to be some sort of CD emulation thing rather …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Hmm. Are you sure you're not playing in "-audio 0" mode somehow, from your fiddling with the batch file? The command line parsing is primitive, so if it was given a malformed option, such as just "-audio", it might fall back to 0. In -audio 0, there is no looping ambience, just individual ambience …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Handy tip on the CD volume - Windows Media Player has a nasty habit of setting the volume to 0 after every CD playback if "digital CD audio" is disabled. God knows why. I would recomend digital CD audio playback being off for Tomb Raider though - reduces CPU load, and I (and others) get a snippet of …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Odd. Make sure Red Book support is enabled in Glidos. Does the ambience itself loop? The "resume ambience" logic is the same as the "repeat ambience" logic, and I believe my code doesn't make any assumptions that the original TOMB.EXE didn't. And I have had people testing with Glidos, and it's …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
Hi folks, I've stopped work on this. :depressed: But that's because it's finished! :lol: I put version 1.00 of the patch to bed on 21 August. I'm just waiting for the folks at Tomb Raider Chronicles to finish testing and sort out distribution. It will need users to burn a CD, until Glidos or …

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