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Re: Little help with BLOOD

FWIW I run Blood in 0.73 at 800x600 using mostly default settings. I find (oddly) that it runs better (faster) in windowed mode though. Still, sound is fine, frame rate (Athlon XP 4200+, GeForce 7950GX2, 2GB RAM, etc.) hovers around 20-30fps on average. I leave cycles at auto. I'm using older 92.xx …

Re: Resolution weirdness with two games

You know, I'd forgotten I'd even set high resolution mode. I guess I just assumed that it would switch to a high res mode (i.e. 640x480) -- though I'm wondering if it's using that old DOS 50-line method. (Y'know, when you'd use SET CON LINES=50 at the prompt to see more on-screen at once). I'm sort …

Re: Resolution weirdness with two games

Does psycho pinball have one of those video screens that slides up and down as the ball moves around the table? Like, then screen is drawn internally as two windows high, and the whole viewable area slides up and down to actually fit inside the screen depending and what part of the table the ball …

Resolution weirdness with two games

I've noticed that DOSBox will resize windows when resolutions are changed. That's obviously normal. But there are some oddities I've noticed: The first is more a curiosity and has no practical effect on anything, but when playing Pinball Fantasies, when the game menu shows up, just before the …

Re: is this company infringing dosbox license?

Plus, seeing "Download all the latest PC games Now! £6.95" on their main page isn't doing much to convince me that they're interested in legitimacy. The Wikipedia "cite" on the definition of abandonware in their FAQ is good for a laugh, too. (The real Wiki article says nothing of the sort.)

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