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Windows 7 GPU scaling?

in Windows
Any of the current gen GPU's have working hardware scaling in Win 7? I had no luck with my Radeon 6790. It works perfectly in XP, but in 7 it does not scale some games or older BINK videos. EDIT: I almost forgot, it does not scale ScummVM either; while it scales DosBox. If I deactivate it, it …

Re: Why wasn't the Amiga popular in North America?

I own a 500 and a 1200; I found out several games, even if they have the HDD install option, would not work correctly with OS 3.1. So I booted the 1200 with a Workbench 1.3 boot floppy, and most of the games work ok. The 500 is unexpanded, basic 512 Kb RAM. I have a 512 Kb+RTC expansion, but is not …

Name this game

Played it many years ago, and I can't recall it's name. It is grid based 3D, can't remember if shooter or rpg. Movement like in Lands of Lore or EOTB, you could transform in 3 different monsters, one could fly and attack with its spear-shaped tail, one could walk, one could swim. And no, is not …

Re: Whats with the shipping costs from USA???

I wanted to post here, but I better keep my mouth shut. Let's say I work, I am qualified for my job, I have a high level education; but I earn enough to survive. It comes from living in an ex-communist Eastern European country, I guess.... While people from other, more Western countries pay for food …

Re: Do I really need an XP rig?

This is coming from a person running multiple OS on his main rig: There are games which do not work right on Windows 7, but are fine on same computer running XP. To me, those that use BINK video. While in XP the videos run just fine, in 7 (I did not bother with Vista) they are played at their …

Re: Social Media Goodness

I can't name them yet, not until I manage how to change my current nick here. Sorry, I am a bit paranoid, and I can explain why. As soon as I change my nick. Well... I think I have to ask the help of one of the mods.

Re: Why wasn't the Amiga popular in North America?

Having a PC background I played PS1 games later; much later. About when I started to collect consoles too, sometime in the last decade. I can say, I was amazed of its gaming power compared to PCs. You need a 4-5 times faster CPU and a lot more RAM to achieve the same graphic quality on a PC.

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