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Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Having some common date format would be fine but because I guess the moby games date field is just text and so there can be nearly everything in this field finding a really useable solution here would be hard. So I would prefer not trying to process this automatically. MobyGames dates aren't free …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

It looks like this: [autoexec] @echo off SET PATH=Z:\ keyb US 437 mount C "D:\OldDrive\games\D-FEND~1\PHYSWR~1\FUNBALL\:D:\OldDrive\games\D-FEND~1\ZIPs\IMPULS~1\FUNBAL~1.ZIP:/" -freesize 250 echo. C: cd\ cd \FUNBALL\ Z:\config.com -securemode > nul FUNBALL.EXE As for the proper usage of the "file …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

@Sopoforic: 1. Trailing backslashes: That shouldn't be a problem. Here is an example from my Civilization.conf: The change directory command is "cd \CIV" without a trailing backslash. If I try to start (for example) Funball, I get: Unable to change to: \FUNBALL\ Illegal command FUNBALL.EXE For this …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Two bugs to report for 1.3.5, and one feature request: First, it seems that recent versions of DOSBox disallow switching to a path with a trailing backslash , which breaks loading games in subdirectories. In particular, None of my games stored in subdirectories of the root will load in the 2013-11- …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (new frontend)

The new version's nice, but there are a few issues with it that I've noticed: 1. I upgraded by choosing 'Search for updates...' from the help menu, so I assumed this would keep my settings, but not all settings were preserved. In particular, my custom dosbox installation (gulikoza, which every game …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (new frontend)

I have a request regarding the PhysFS tab: I'd like to be able to set a directory to contain the write folders for games by default, and then, on the "Folder and zip file as hard disk" tab, have a 'create default write folder' button which would create a directory (named after either the game or the …

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