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Re: CGA and Psychosis...

in Milliways
If you've ever been involuntarily hospitalized, sectioned, or whatever the terminology is in your state or province, you would understand what I mean. For instance, where I live, anyone can hospitalize anyone for any reason and they will brought in front of a panel for review with just a form. This …

CGA and Psychosis...

in Milliways
Looking on Retrograde Station (retrograde.trustno1.org), I find that there is a short prologue that mentions psychosis and CGA graphics. I find this to be quite amusing an observation. Even the cover art for some games was enough to give me psychotic nightmares as a child (particularly the Ultimas …

Re: Installing FLOPPER Using DOSBox 0.72

IBM's Turtle Power LOGO I can't find any mentions of it on the web, as if it really never existed... Had it sitting in my collection for all these years since 1983... A backup copy was bad, but the original, while in shabby condition, still worked amazingly well with no CRC errors. --

Re: Installing FLOPPER Using DOSBox 0.72

Actually, I had a lasting impression of when I first asked the question of booter compatibiliy so many moons ago, and was told to use flopper. Really wasn't willing to accept that perhaps it DID support it. I am glad this functionality now exists. Posting for re-reference: boot [image name].img -l [ …

Re: Installing FLOPPER Using DOSBox 0.72

Actually not using the Windows version, but the Mac version, so I utilize POSIX directory structure. After mounting "a" using the -floppy option and running install, the installer wants to reboot as the final step. It hangs at this point in the installation process, the only solution being the close …

Installing FLOPPER Using DOSBox 0.72

I have created an original image using the associated FLOPPER utilities, and would like to test it out. However, the FLOPPER software is inherently limited to installing to a floppy, which I find to be bothersome, since I really don't have a blank floppy to do it in such a fashion. How can this …

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