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Re: GLHexen 2 Startup problems.

in Windows
Actually never mind. I compared again and apparently GL does look better. Guess I wasn't looking too closely. Thanks anyway though. Now the only problem I have is a gameplay glitch where a note that triggers a certain event doesn't seem to be appearing. You solve one problem another pops up. Now I …

Re: GLHexen 2 Startup problems.

in Windows
Thanks all of you. After getting that unofficial patch GL worked like a charm. Only thing is, I don't see that much improvement over the normal version of Hexen 2. I mean, on my old system GL Quake looked better. Don't know if its something I'm doing wrong or my system just isn't good.

Re: Septerra Core startup problems.

in Windows
How do you switch to 98 compatibility mode? Also, I checked and the version I got is a rereleased version that doesn't seem to have quicktime on the disc. I tried installing it and selected to not install quicktime or direct x, but it still says game was not properly installed. Is there someplace I …

Septerra Core startup problems.

in Windows
I am having trouble getting Septerra Core to run on my system. My first problem was getting the game to install on Windows 2000, but changing the autoexec and config nt files in the system32 folder to read only seemed to help. But after the game seemingly finishes installing, it goes back to the …

GLHexen 2 Startup problems.

in Windows
My problem is with the GL version of Hexen 2. The normal version works just fine, and in GL I get as far as the menu. But after the class and difficulty has been selected, the game freezes once the first loading bar is almost full and I am forced to restart. If it helps, I use Windows 2000 and the …

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