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Re: Boxer 0.7: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Ok, I used the G3 build of 0.72 now (including the settings file that was included in the .dmg). Commander Keen runs quite slow with default settings. I lowered it to 500 CPU cycles (the minimum it seems) and 3 frame skips and it runs reasonably well now. Not like lightning, but playable enough. …

Re: Boxer 0.7: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Seems the latest Dosbox is incompatible with a G3 perhaps? Maybe they ditched support, and it was not an unintentional bug. Nevertheless; I found a build of 0.71 that was compiled with support for G3. I replaced the one included in Boxer with that one, and lo and behold it worked. Quite slow though, …

Re: Boxer 0.7: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

I´m having some problems here. I´ve copied Boxer to my Applications folder, but when I try to start it, it crashes after some "hesitation". It did give me the chance to create the Dosbox folder in my documents folder, but then it crashed. I tried downloading the Commander Keen game from your site …

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