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Re: DOSBox records in 16:9

in DOSBox General
You're telling me that the 350 rectangular pixels are supposed to be as tall as 480 square pixels, but Dosbox won't record them that way because they only appear as intended as a result of external hardware (the monitor). sigh...

Re: DOSBox records in 16:9

in DOSBox General
My video editor says that top file is 640x350 at 70fps. Apparently EGA (which is what I am recording) is actually supposed to be that; whether the pixels are stretched to fill the screen is a different matter. So an actual 16:9 is 640x360, which is almost exactly the same. Basically EGA is …

Re: DOSBox records in 16:9

in DOSBox General
I use a CRT, and resizing the video to 4:3 just makes the frame 4:3, but the graphics only occupy the 16:9 frame within it. Here, I spent some time uploading actual recordings. Dosbox records in 16:9 http://youtu.be/er5CSPuaJUo Dosbox video resized to 4:3 http://youtu.be/aBD4pLnGWik Dosbox records …

DOSBox records in 16:9

in DOSBox General
For some reason, I can't get dosbox to record a 4:3 video. With aspect=true, it looks correct, but it doesn't record what is on the screen. Now I know I've done this before (recorded properly), but somehow it's been changed. The game looks fine, but the recording is 16:9. Any ideas of why this is …

Re: Old PC or DOSBox?

in PC Emulation
They would not be selling Antara at http://www.gog.com/gamecard/betrayal_at_krondor if there was not some simple way around the speed problem. I checked this, and they are selling it, but they have introduced new bugs including other speed problems. I wouldn't recommend it unless one has no other …

Re: Old PC or DOSBox?

in PC Emulation
I think Pentiums are a good choice. Typically runs most programs, 1981-1995. After that, it depends on the program - there were programs released 1999 that ostensibly required 66Mhz. As for DOS, I never had a whit of trouble with that type of system. Specific games will always cause trouble, though. …

DosBox's PC speaker is terrible

in DOSBox General
Yeah...I'm not feeling the PC speaker on Dosbox. It screeches strangely. In fact, since it's an electromechanical device, I don't quite see how it can be emulated at all (besides using its resources). The PC speaker has limited tones obviously, but it doesn't screech. I'm not really sure what the …

Re: Sierra/Dynamix sound driver hacking

in DOS
Yes, you're right. It's a sort of nondescript sound, not really audible, but I guess the correct one. I tried NRS's EXE and then the CD 1.02 copy you supplied, and they both work. Don't ask me... Attaching what I hope is a chapter 4 save by Romney, to talk to M. Waylander, and some bandits just …

Re: Sierra/Dynamix sound driver hacking

in DOS
Re: Krondor Seems to work. But it only worked on the supplied EXEs, not for instance this ex-CD EXE of "Monday, March 21, 1994, 6:44:00 PM." tikalat's "Monday, March 21, 1994, 8:44:24 AM" one does. I didn't play through, but one thing I noticed was no sound for the whetstone or adventurine. I do not …

Re: Recording with Fraps - Audio Stuttering Problems

in DOSBox General
I have a similar crystal ball which tells me you don't know what I have or what you are talking about. I trust it. Here's some video recorded with FRAPS, newest version, not my video. Check 3:30 to 5:30. See what the video looks like, and then a little after 4:00 FRAPS freaks out. http://www.youtube …

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