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Windows 98 can't use 1400x1050 resolution with Geforce4 4600

in Windows
Hi, in Windows 98 I can't use the 1400x1050 resolution (native for my 4:3 monitor) with my Geforce4 4600 (driver 77.42). It only allows me to select a maximum of 1360x760 resolution. Trying to add custom resolution, I get an error that it's not possible. If I disable DDC, I can selct resolutions …

MU2000EX vs. Mu50 for DOS Games

Hi, now that I have a MU2000EX, can it replace my MU50 for DOS games or will it sound differently? Thank you €dit: System -> Map has two options, "MU basic" and "MU100 Native". If my ears are not mistaken, "MU basic sounds like my MU50"

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