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Re: DOSBox-X branch

@MKSheppard, if you used a Windows VS build, try a MinGW build of DOSBox-X instead. I can confirm that it is an issue with the Visual Studio version -- I just downloaded the 0.83.17 MinGW version and it generates wilderness topo maps just fine from the start. You can change CGA rendering in DOSBox …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Codeholio, trying DEBUG 0 61 3 didn't work; but I found something that did. After some trial and error; I narrowed it down to: fpu = false If this is set, the topo map generates correctly. If it's set to TRUE, it generates the error I posted earlier. This makes me wonder if WILDERNESS also had the …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Try using a DOS program or DEBUG.EXE to write 03h to port 61h. This will make a BEEEEEEEP but will turn on the PIT timer as well. I got DEBUG.EXE, but I'm trying to figure out how to write 03h to port 61h. I'm trying this in debug: -o 61h 03h but I get an ^ error pointing at the H EDIT: I tried …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

I believe I've found something in DosBox-X; I don't know what exactly is broken but for the old DOS game "WILDERNESS: A SURVIVAL ADVENTURE"... if you run it with DOSBOX 0.74; you're able to generate new topographic maps to play on, as well as save topo maps and games. But if you try running it in …

Re: Best way to create ISO+OGG images?

Yes. Well, this is not optimal, it would be advisable to do something similar in powershell (or a GUI) but it can be done and it works. I have made some small changes to the script to work in windows with win-bash. Download and extract. Copy the BIN and CUE files to the same folder where isoogg_win …

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