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Re: DOTT in Dosbox, can't save

in DOS
He isn't mounting a C drive, or if he is, it is the CD. Umm, what? I'm mounting g:\cemu\ as c: in dosbox. And g: is one of my harddisks, not a cd, if that's what you're implying. @The people who posted about ScummVM: Yeah, I just found out about ScummVM from a friend and it seems to run DOTT just …

Re: DOTT in Dosbox, can't save

in DOS
by your first command -> savegames go to g:\cemu\dott.cd\ Well, yes, that's where they're supposed to go. But for some reason the game says that it can't save, so obviously they're not going there. EDIT: I found out what was wrong, the game itself was trying to save on the cd, when it's supposed to …

Re: DOTT in Dosbox, can't save

in DOS
I'm not trying to save on a cdrom, the save files in dott go to c:\dott.cd\ EDIT: Or more importantly, that's where they're supposed to go and that's where they went back in the day with my 486 running the game.

DOTT in Dosbox, can't save

in DOS
I'm trying to run Day of the Tentacle (CD-talkie version) in W2K with Dosbox and it runs just fine, except for the fact that I can't save. I tried looking through the forums for a solution but didn't find one. I'm running Dosbox with "D:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.60\dosbox.exe" g:\cemu\dott.bat - …

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