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Re: Cavewars v.1.20 in VDMSound

I've got way more games than I could ever play in 10 lifetimes, so restricting myself to older DOS games (early 90s and older for the most part) helps narrow things down a bit :happyhappy: Hah! Me too! And I keep adding to the collection week after week thinking that - someday - I'll get to it. …

Re: Cavewars v.1.20 in VDMSound

Well, my copy of Cavewars is patched to a later (the final) patch version: 1.20. You can get this patch here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/downloads Actually, I should have said that I got the game in this patch state to run just fine in DosBox 0.63, so I know it's not the game per se. Of …

Cavewars v.1.20 in VDMSound

I've scanned the messages relating to Cavewars and VDMSound, and have not found a solution yet. Ah, but hope springs eternal ... At any rate, I got Cavewars to run by using NOLFB, but when I start up the game right after the Avalon Hill splash screen the next one, which should show a splash screen …

Air Power (Rowan) video support

Has anybody been able to get Rowan's unique flight sim/strategy game, Air Power, to run with VESA support in DosBox? When you install part of the procedure, along with identifying your sound card, etc., is to choose the SVGA driver. Since it did not recognize my driver, it offers you the options to …

System Shock I loopy sound in VDMSound 2.1.0

Hi, I'm having problems getting the sound in System Shock I to run optimally. Basically, what it does is speed up and slow down, and then speed up and slow down, ad infinitum. Rather maddening. Everything else works fine (although I take a big framerate hit when I go to 640x480 res), and the game is …

Flying Corps with VDMSound

Has anybody gotten this chestnut to work with VDMSound? I can't get to first base with this one, as the window opens for a few seconds and then just disappears. Doesn't leave the console window to provide a clue as to what went wrong. I've tried all the optional settings (enabling basic VESA support …

Re: DOSBox 0.61 on ATI Radeon cards

Well, I figured out how to drop the CPU usage below 100. I had to modify the .conf file so that the render method wasn't surface, but rather overlay. Once I did that Bingo! the windowed version of DOSBox (without a game running in it) went from 100% to about 88%. That was enough for me to load the …

Re: DOSBox 0.61 on ATI Radeon cards

I downloaded the latest ATI drivers (ATI calls 'em "Catalysts"), but it didn't seem to help. Didn't think about the SDL.dll library, however, so just downloaded their latest version (dated 2/21/04) and will give it a try this evening. Thanks, Qbix! 😁

DOSBox 0.61 on ATI Radeon cards

Hi all, Minor problem with my VisionTek Xtasy 9200 with 256 Megs of DDR memory (it uses the ATI Radeon 9200 chipset) when I run DOSBox: when in window mode DOSBox 0.61 pulls 100% of my CPU usage, making running games impossible. However, when I either put another window (and it can be *any* window, …

DOSBox 0.61 and FAT32

I recently reformatted my hard drive so that I could replace my WinXP Home ed. OS with WinXP Pro. In so doing I changed the format from NTFS to FAT32, thinking that it might speed things up a bit. To my surprise, when I reinstalled DOSBox 0.61 and called up Windows Task Manager, it was using up 100% …

Indycar Racing 2 setup error in WinXP

in Windows
Hi all, In my WinXP system I get the following error when I try to update the DOS version of Indycar Racing 2 to the Win95 version; it happens when it attempts to check for DirectX: The procedure entry point SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll Hmm, said …

VDMSound .dll's won't register!

Hope somebody can help me with a problem I've never encountered before: a number of .dll files failing to register when loading the application. Of course, I'm talking about VDMSound here. And yes, I have Administrative permission. Basically, I attemtp to install VDMSound 2.0.4, and everything goes …

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