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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was the only Far Cry game I enjoyed. I usually am not a fan of open world games, but the synthwave vibes and the silly humor were top notch. Glad to see this old gem being mentioned.

Re: EarthSiege 2 vshell.exe error

File sharing support¶ Certain Windows 3.1x programs that rely on SHARE.EXE or VSHARE.386 would display an error on startup, complaining that SHARE.EXE has not been loaded. This mostly affects office programs (e.g., Microsoft Office, Lotus Office, Peachtree Complete Accounting, etc.), but also a few …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

@marxveix: Aren't PrBoom and PrBoom+ unmaintained ? You might want to look at DSDA-Doom or Woof! instead. 3D accelerating Doom in another API has never been faster. There's work that happens to polygonize the levels (and the new bsp /nodes required), expensive clipping calculations for sprites, …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I'm playing The X-Com Files a TC mod for OpenXCom Extended (OXCE) Getting my ass kicked. And enjoying it. 😀 It starts slow with cryptids, cultists, cattle mutilations, and crop circles... The alien invasion(s) are way later.

Re: EarthSiege 2 vshell.exe error

I installed your version without any issues, but on launch it just does nothing. The previous version worked fine with DOSBox. I suspect that the folders you mention are merely artifacts from the previous version. The fact that it does not run anymore only confirms what the README states clearly: …

Re: EarthSiege 2 vshell.exe error

Since it obviously works for you, my question would be: what version of the game do you have? 1.13 or 1.11? Does your CD have a "spanish" folder? It's the v1.11 version according to the version.txt file on the CD. The CD has the English, French, and German folders. No Spanish folder to be found. …

Re: EarthSiege 2 vshell.exe error

I tried it again, and to pass the Win32S error message, you need FAKESHAR from the Windows 3.11 guide: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=9405 You can remove it once WIN3S is installed. I don't see it in my AUTOEXEC section. Here is the relevant section of my SYSTEM.INI file: [386Enh] device=dva …

Re: EarthSiege 2 vshell.exe error

here is my config, from years ago: [cpu] # core: CPU Core used in emulation. auto will switch to dynamic if available and appropriate. # Possible values: auto, dynamic, normal, simple. # cputype: CPU Type used in emulation. auto is the fastest choice. # Possible values: auto, 386, 386_slow, 486_slow …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
The Tex Murphy Radio Theater series 1 and 2 are really required to understand the gap between Overseer and Tesla Effect. https://bigfinishgames.com/radio-theater/ Plus it's really good. 😀 I'm quite glad to see the Tex Murphy series in this topic!

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Under a Killing Moon I just got through Day 1, and so far I'm loving this game! It took a bit of time to get used to the controls, since the game forces you to move in 3D with the mouse (and mouse only), but the interface itself is quite nice. I also find the goofy sense of humor to be charming, …

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