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Re: Some help with setting up SHSUCDX correctly

in DOS
See, that was one of the things that confused me. I noticed that mentioned in another thread, but I don't seem to have any such file/driver. Nor did I see a command in the readme. I downloaded 3.09, which has Shsucdx.com and shcdx86.com. I don't believe I have DOSLFN. I take it that's an additional …

Re: Some help with setting up SHSUCDX correctly

in DOS
I don't think SHSUCDX is the command for loading CD images. Shouldn't it be the ones other than SHSUCDX itself, such as SHSUCDHD? Here's the documentation for image handling tools (SHSUCDHD and some others). I think what you want might be this, though I haven't really tried loading disk images …

Re: Converting Removable CF cards to Fixed... any good place for information about CF controllers?

This little utility might be of help with some CF cards: http://vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fileid=1862 Not every CF card supports this; so your millage may vary . Execute in DOS: (To set the card to fixed disk/true-ide mode) If the card is on the primary IDE channel (which is highly recommended …

Re: Sound card for Windows NT 3.51

Hello. If you can find an ESS Solo-1 (ES1938s) sound card you can make it work in Windows NT 3.51. If you install the Windows NT 3.51 version of the driver (in the distribution file zn7z01us.exe) you get the dreaded "IRQ Mask" prompt and no matter which IRQ you pick it fails. However there is …

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