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Re: Disney Sound source, parallel port and IRQs?

in PC Emulation
There is just something fascinating about such a relatively simple device as the Disney Sound Source, wouldn't you agree? 🙂 Any way, I remember perusing through the official programming guide (which you can find at archive.org) and I believe the DSS never triggers an IRQ. The designers could have …

Re: ISA VGA card with DVI port, could one be made?

would it be possible to design a new ISA VGA card with a DVI port? And the point would be..? An ISA VGA card limits what games you can play. You are pretty much stuck at games running in 320x200 and this causes virtually no image degradation when using an analog connection over a good, shielded …

Re: ISA VGA card with DVI port, could one be made?

I have something started that can do that but there's plenty of time until it actually gets finished. Some other things are in the way and once I have time I probably lack money and things get delayed even more lol. http://www.tmeeco.eu/TKAVIVC/T-01VIVC-A.png Yeah, that looks pretty much like what …

Re: ISA VGA card with DVI port, could one be made?

Yeah, I really should have been clearer here about the goal I had in mind: an ISA card with excellent register-level ("legacy") VGA compatibility as well as very good VBE 2.0 and 3.0 support, but with digital signal output without going through any analog step. So no integrated VGA-to-DVI adapter or …

ISA VGA card with DVI port, could one be made?

So I just saw this topic pop up: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=72933 And I was amazed to read there that some GPUs commonly found in PCI cards could be used as a basis for creating ISA cards as well. It made me wonder: would it be possible to design a new ISA VGA card with a DVI port? …

Re: Best CGA & Hercules games

We should collect the best cga-emulator for each cga-only-game. I am struggling with alley_cat :( Not surprising, since Alley Cat does a lot of trickery to get the most out of CGA graphics cards, such as rapid palette switching and the like. 😸 How close have you gotten to making that game work on a …

Re: Best CGA & Hercules games

By doing proper programming, the HGC was able to run in 640x400 pels also. Same as the hi-res CGA did in the Olivetti M24 and similar computers. That screenshot is 640x400 - so it must be using the undocumented 640x400 interlaced mode. Fascinating, I didn't know there was some software actually …

Re: DOSBOX eating up CPU

KVM/VTx would not be awesome for DOSBox. Can you or someone else please elaborate on that? How could emulating a CPU in software ever be faster or more efficient than running the code natively, having to emulate only the I/O stuff (graphics, sound) instead? Yes, I am aware that eventually in a post …

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