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LPTNes and Dosbox, will it work?

Hello, I would like to ask about LPTNes projekt that uses special cable to communicate between NES and PC using LPT port. It allows you to control NES games with PC keyboard or any(if I understood correctly) gamepad connected to PC. The case is it works under DOS and Windows like 98, not XP or any …

Pył / Dust and Glidos + Dosbox

Someone locked this topic. So here I answer. It works, in software mode, you just need to run CuteMouse (I read that 1.9 is good, used 1.9.1 I guess) before you run the game. It's very slow but still faster than glided mode.

Re: Tomb Raider 1 and 12 button gamepad

Hmm, I saw buttonwrap set to true, setting it to false didn't solve the problem, a few buttons stopped working at all after setting it to false. I also tried to add the line autowrap you suggested set to false but guess it didn't change a thing. Also (with autowrap=false and buttonwrap=true i guess) …

Tomb Raider 1 and 12 button gamepad

Hi there, the gamepad I have is Manta MM814 gamepad - very comfortable controller that works just great with my Debian box. I had some problems with dosbox but solved it playing with options from the Joystick section - it was moving into one direction, now it's ok. Still, I don't know how to make …

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