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Re: MT-32 -> PC connection woes

robertmo: Yeah I tried both dins in midi in on the mt-32 keropi: my sb card doesn't have a midi in port but if you mean did I loop back the mt-32 stereo outputs to my card line in, then no, I connected it through to my amplifier. I realize this means I wont get any sound effects in my final output, …

Re: MT-32 -> PC connection woes

Yeah I tried it just now with both cables, in "in", "out" and "through". Unless I'm supposed to reboot computer and MT-32 between each switch, it's not doing anything. The PC end has two plugs as well but only one of them is male so I don't see how the other one would do me any good. EDIT: I should …

MT-32 -> PC connection woes

Yes another one of those. Windows reports that midi out works just fine but the MT-32 is not registering any kind of signal through the cable. Currently I'm running it from a PIII with Win98SE and a Creative PCI-128 card, but I've also tried a Live! card without success. The cable looks like this: …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

Thanks for the tips guys 😀 I picked this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt … em=350321960348 up the other day but if it turns out to be a VLB conflict I'll go looking for an ISA one. I cleaned the contacts with some rubbing alcohol but no luck there. Suspecting the card is plain dead.

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

Mine is the PAT48AG, however the jumper names don't add up with the ones on the board. My board doesn't have the B printed after the model revision, but I'm not sure if that's relevant. The ones you linked to do add up with the ones in my manual hower and the locations seemed consistent with the …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

That card you linked is not even an IDE controller, it's MFM. Those things were obsolete several years before 486s even hit the market. Putting aside the considerable difficulty of finding a working MFM drive, "dramatic" wouldn't even begin to describe the performance hit... that thing would make …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

The P3 did wonders for Outcast. :D My 486 still wont behave though. With the Promise controller card in, all I get is a black screen, and without it I'm stuck without a HDD. I was eyeing a card on ebay ( http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120531096762&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT) but …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

Sounds good :) Another question regarding the Win98 machine; is SBLive! as good as it gets for gaming or are there alternatives I should be looking at? I've looked around a bit online and here on the forums, and it seems that while other manufacturers have richer feature sets, the soundblaster way …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

I gave 128MB a whirl. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or if it's actually running slightly faster. Still only getting 5-10 fps in Outcast sadly. Good idea though :) ty I think I'm going to have to throw this one out for a thunderbird instead. I just hope it wont break any early Win95/98 …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

It's been a while since I attempted it so memory is a little vague on the details of the rig I used but the issues I had with BG&E was primarily with sound going out of synch during cutscenes and the water behaving very eratically when on the hovercraft. In Psychonauts the sound would stutter every …

Re: Trying to cover all ground.

I'm considering replacing the k6-2 with an athlon t-bird at 700mhz or so for late -99, early -00 gaming but I'm worried about breaking compability with ca -96, -97 titles. About the FX-55; yeah, quite a few early win xp games wont play nice with a dualcore machine. "Beyond good and evil" and " …

Trying to cover all ground.

I've spent some time now trying to cover as much compability I can gamingwise, but there's still a few potholes here and there. I would love any suggestions on what to improve. One thing I noted is that the recommended specs for Wing Commander 3 (and possibly other titles of the time) recommend a …

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