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Re: [patch] Connect a Gdb client to DOSBox

in DOSBox Patches
Is there an easy way to make this work under windows? To make the patched r3778 compile under mingw/msys I had to re-enable and include into gdb_server.cpp and I had to link against -lws2_32. Furthermore I had to call WSAStartup() in DEBUG_Init() otherwise the socket() API failed with …

HMI's S.O.S., Interplay's GNW & MVE SDKs, Libs, APIs, etc.

in Milliways
Hello Everyone, I'm working on Interplay's M.A.X., to be able to fix the bugs of the original game. - Currently I'm searching for SDKs for Human Machine Interfaces Inc.'s Sound Operating System. HMI is out of business and their SOS flagship product is not available anymore. Interplay's M.A.X. uses …

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