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Re: I wonder if i can get help...(read me)

in DOS
I'm sorry but as far as I know lemmings is still being sold and is not even considered "abandonware". Even if it was not being sold only with the approval of the publisher would it be legal to distribute the program freely and since this board does not promote "warez" in any form.....

Re: Publicity

in Milliways
I'm sure people would be happy to donate...as long as they could be assured that their money goes to good use. 😉

Re: "Those were the days..."

in Milliways
On the contrary MW2:Mercs was the best of the series....and still is. I'd like a Win32 redo but it seems like that will never happen. 🙁 Supposedly a MW4: Mercs is gonna come out....

Re: Svga?

Hmmm, think your confusing SVGA with VESA and some other things: System Shock CD - Gonna have to go back and look but I could have swore that SS didn't have VESA...I always played it Lores. Tie Fighter CD- What's the issue here? Are you sure that your ver supports Hires? Crusader - Doesn't work at …

Re: Glide Wrapper for Nvidia Cards!

in Milliways
Also note that any 3D "acceleration" in emulation would not take advantage of your host video card. So your "acceleration" would be comming from your CPU which is struggling to emulate everything else. I expect TNT1/Voodoo3 (640X480 max)levels of performance in VPC would be feasible but Games are …

Re: Aladdin

in DOS
"Right-click on Aladdin.exe and go to the Memory tab. Max out Expanded & Extended Memory. Click on OK to save. Use the .pif or .EXE to play the game!" or use the VDMSound GUI to configure the memory.

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