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Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Seems to be a timing issue. The object 'glide' is not created until 'grSstWinOpen' is called but 'glide' is somehow involved in the 'grTexMinAddress' and 'grTexMaxAddress' calls which precede it. I moved the line: glide = new CGlide(&config); into the 'grTexMinAddress' function and now the game …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

kekko, many thanks for persevering with this. I'm posting this in the hope that it may be of some help since I'm getting some strange behaviour with EF2000, where what gets displayed is dependent on the camera position. This is illustrated in this picture. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/ …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

TEXMEMSIZE is hardcoded to 16MB here: #define TEXMEMSIZE (16*1024*1024) and this is reported back in the grTexMaxAddress call: Warning: grGlideInit called Warning: grSstQueryHardware called Warning: grSstSelect called Warning: grTexMinAddress called grTexMin :0 Warning: grTexMaxAddress called …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Stumped right now... So, the basic problem is that TAW crashes with psVoodoo with 'Insufficient Memory for Clamp Textures'. I can get the same error with the otherwise functioning dgVoodoo by limiting the texture memory to 1024kB in dgVoodoo's config utility. psVoodoo reports 16MB texture memory …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

In EF2000, the 2D cockpit and MFD ovelays always start out with the problem described above. If you Shift-Q, then E to exit the mission, the scene looks normal in the split second before you go back to the mission menu. If another mission is started, the problem either reappears as before, but …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Sure....if this is what you mean: Warning: grTexTextureMemRequired called evenOdd :3 aspectRatio :3 format :5 LargeLod :2 SmallLod :2 returned size:4096 evenOdd :3 aspectRatio :3 format :5 LargeLod :2 SmallLod :2 returned size:4096 evenOdd :3 aspectRatio :3 format :5 LargeLod :2 SmallLod :2 returned …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Thanks. I put in a trace, hopefully in the right place, to log the value that is returned from that function and now the last part of the log looks like this: Warning: grTexTextureMemRequired called grTexTextureMemRequired:4096 grTexTextureMemRequired:4096 grTexTextureMemRequired:4096 …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

...and a debug build of psVoodoo yields the same result, but with the following log file: psVoodoo v0.12 Warning: grGlideInit called Warning: grSstQueryHardware called Warning: grSstSelect called Warning: grTexMinAddress called Warning: grTexMaxAddress called Warning: grSstWinOpen called Shader …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Many thanks for your answer! I tried the latest version you provided but get the same crash with exactly the same log file contents, except for the version of course. I stated earlier that OpenGlide works, but it doesn't. What was happening was that OpenGlide crashed early on because it couldn't …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

The 3D part of EF2000 is looking really good now. The two remaining problems as far as I can see are the 2D overlays which come out blank, and switching to full screen doesn't work. ...but I don't want to dwell on the negative since this is great work! http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/mikew_02 …

Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

I tried to run 'F22 Total Air War' in Glide mode using psVoodoo, but the game crashes with an error message 'Insufficient Memory for Clamp Textures' Here is the psVoodoo log: psVoodoo v0.8 Shader Version: FFFF0300 Number of texture stages: 8 Number of simultaneous texture: 8 Warning: TEXOP_ …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

kekko, I'm having a blast playing EF2000 in its 3dFX glory.....the major gaming news of 2010 from my point of view. Thank you so much. But as usual, we always want more.....and I was wondering how it was going with the OpenGL version. I compiled and ran EF2000 using the code from 'dosbox_ogl_exp9. …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

Not at all. :) It was that screenshot that prompted the question. I'm using the standard version of DosBox for EF2000 but I guess I'll need to compile some special version to get the 3dFX support. Before I learn how to do that, I'd like to make sure that it really is possible and that I haven't …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

For me the 'Holy Grail' of simming would be able to run the 3dFX version of EF2000 on modern hardware using DosBox. This hasn't been possible since the game is written to talk directly to a Voodoo card rather than using glide. Skimming through this thread indicates that with a certain amount of …

Re: EF2000 for DOS with 3DFX patch

It was a bit of a loaded question. :) Virtual hardware? If I run the game on 'Virtual PC', is it possible to intercept the calls to the non-existent PCI card? Patching the binary? Probably the 'easiest' way, but I guess this would need some 'dll injection' trick? I have the non-3dFX versions of the …

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