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Re: Squished display in EF2000 Graphics+

I've seen something similar where DosBox sometimes overrides my resolution settings for a full screen window...but only for certain screen sizes. To get around this, I made the following changes for the EF2000 build in the file sdlmain.cpp. if (fixedWidth && fixedHeight) { double ratio_w=(double) …

Re: 3dfx-based Scaling in DOSBox

That was my quote....and I could never get the result I wanted from daum's settings in EF2000. All I'm doing is applying a scaling factor as the triangles are being sent to opengl. The scaling factor is the wanted window resolution divided by the 640 x 400 dimensions of EF2000....which is the only …

Re: Do these DOS Glide games exist?

in DOS
Cool! Now that you know how to do it, if you (or someone else) can confirm the retail versions of the games in my list (I just analyzed the patches, one demo, and googled EF2000+TACTCOM+GFX+) I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all your help so far! This is from EF2000V2.0 which is EF2000+TACTCOM+GFX+ as …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

When? This is big news for EF2000, which is the only game I'm interested in. All it needs is the fog added and some minor LFB improvements and I'll be ecstatic. I no longer care about not being able to switch to full screen, since the window can seemingly be stretched to monitor resolution without …

Re: EF2000 for DOS with 3DFX patch

Hmmn, I notice that a couple of people have had exactly the same problem as you, without finding any solution. On the other hand, it seemed to go OK for 'redfalcon' in this thread: http://community.combatsim.com/topic/27189-3dfx-ef2000/

Re: EF2000 for DOS with 3DFX patch

IMHO the easiest method is to carry out the installation and patching process on a pre-64bit machine, then copy across the resulting directory to the Win7 x64 machine.....which presumably isn't the one in your sig. Note that you'll need a version of Dosbox to with kekko's patch to experience the …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

Thanks. Now I see that the fragment shader builds up as we move through the blending pipeline, but only the final values are used. Ingenious! It would seem that the biggest clue comes from my picture at the bottom of page 17 where some of the EF2000's panels are rendered with the colours of the …

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

On page 17 of this thread I give some examples of graphical problems using the OpenGL implementation with EF2000 where textured polygons are sometimes rendered as shaded. I've found that this is somehow linked to the shaders, but while I read up about GLSL maybe someone could have a quick look at …

Re: Suggestion - VFX1 emulation

Head tracking with a VFX1 emulator would be awesome for EF2000, particularly in conjunction with kekko's 3dFX patch. As far as I know, there is no Linux version of Freetrack/FaceTrackNoir so I guess we're never likely to see this in Dosbox.

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

...and the 3D behaviour has changed again, probably because I've changed some settings in the config program. Now in zalman mode, I can see two images side by side. Anaglyph mode always gives a hard crash when trying to render this: DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 2, quad, sizeof(AnaglyphVertex …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Regarding 3D, when I selected anaglyph mode, there was no double image in the 3D world although there was some change to the text on the HUD overlay. ..however, that was a few days ago. Now the program crashes with a log entry along the lines of 'unable to draw primitive' in anaglyph mode. Zalman …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

@Dominus, Check out the second post in this thread. @Paul, I tried the 3D option out of curiosity, but I don't get the 3D effect. For me, the real benefit of psVoodoo would be as a base for a game specific wrapper. In the case of TAW, we've known for a while that the palette is split up into …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Great! That seems to have fixed the game crashing issues. :) Using the logging function, I was able to confirm my suspicions that this game doesn't use any depth buffering features of the graphics card whatsoever. Excellent. Now, to look at how the palette functions..... Thank you so much for …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Many thanks for that :) , but now I get this :( : .. Warning: unsupported grSstIdle called Warning: grLfbReadRegion called Warning: unsupported grLfbWriteRegion called Warning: grSstWinClose called I guess that's to be expected. What's the point of reading the screen if it's not going to be written …

Re: Not Glidos, but psVoodoo question.

Thank you for making it open source. It's been a pleasure investigating this. :) The game looks great before it crashes and if I select a 'Smartview' mode, where the camera follows different active units, it doesn't crash at all. If it's easier in the short term just to provide some dummy data so …

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