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Re: More than one core for DOSBOX?

Thanks for the clear answer. How did you get the dosbox properties? Very interesting. So the main thread does all the work. Does a thread cause any load at all by simply waiting for access to shared resources? Also, multiple threads doesn't automatically mean parallel execution. I could almost have …

Re: More than one core for DOSBOX?

I have looked into the issue, since it seems to come up occasionally. I used a game for this which is rather cpu-intensive to emulate. It is Archimedian Dynasty. I put the taskmanager beside the DOSBOX window to watch both of them. Okay, i know. DOSBOX does only use one core. If that is so, then …

Re: Problem with dosbox on Vista

In Dosbox 0.74 it isn't needed. Some months ago i needed windib to solve the backslash in 0.73. But now it works in 0.73 and 0.74 without using windib. Couldn't find out why. It is still the same pc and the same Vista Ultimate 32. But i updated the drivers for my Geforce 8600M GT and changed my ram …

Re: Problem with dosbox on Vista

I have encountered this issue on several Vista PCs. All had different hardware/driver configurations. On some systems there were no problems at all. Others showed wrong colours when using an editor like QBasic or Turbo Pascal in Text Mode. Or, under DOS it used to be Text Mode (400x700@70Hz). The …

Re: Problem with dosbox on Vista

I had the same problem, but now everything works. I created a .BAT file with the lines set sdl_videodriver=windib dosbox pause which i put in the directory with dosbox.exe in it. This solves both keyboard and graphics issues alike. Put a link to the file on your desktop if you like.

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