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Re: How far back do you go?

in Milliways
Right now I only go as far back as 486s simply because that's what I have. On the PC front I probably wouldn't go further back than a 386, just because I haven't found enough that justifies needing a slower machine. For other computer hardware, I'd like to go back but simply can't afford anything …

Re: Technically impressive FM synth music

in Milliways
I found this song on Youtube a while back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWuDp6z3nHo. Simply amazing! As far as I know it was done in Adlib Tracker 2, but unfortunately the composer doesn't seem to have released a file so we can play it on our own cards.

Re: NEC XR385

Alright. As long as it's not a problem with the DB. I'm not really in a position to pick up anything else right now (as I said, college student, yadda yadda-- only stretched out my money and bought the XR385 when I did because I had a weird gut feeling that they'd be gone soon) but as soon as I can …

Re: NEC XR385

Thought I would bump this topic with an update. I got my XR385 today (from double-fish1981) and took some pictures of the packaging so that others know what they're getting into. I've put them into an album here: http://imgur.com/a/tQh0B Luckily, I didn't get a DOA one! Board is working well and …

Re: hub or switch?

in Milliways
I've been working forever with a plain old hub and it's been working fine. On the other hand, everyone tells me I should never do that. I just received a nice 16 port switch from a friend, though-- but I haven't hooked it into the network yet.

Re: Mac emulator and speed control

Actually it will likely be even faster in Basilisk. The emulation overhead of a PPC vs a 68k is a lot higher, so emulating a PPC Mac is not as fast. Those emulators unfortunately don't have any sort of speed control. You might want to look into MESS's Mac emulation, which is still in its infancy but …

Re: A suitable antivirus for a 512MB RAM machine

in Milliways
MSE usually is the answer for low-resource antivirus, but I have noticed that once in a while it will do this and eat ridiculous amounts of memory. For some reason it'll do that for a week or so and then stop completely... not that that is acceptable or anything.

Re: what is your computer "plan"

in Milliways
I already mostly have the PCs I need/want, although I'd still like to do two builds: a 486 build and a dual P3-S 1.4 build. Apart from that, I find myself wanting to invest in more obscure/exotic hardware instead of just generic PCs.

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