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Re: Need advice about migrating Win7 x86 -> x64

Compiling to x64 gives access to the increased register set of the AMD/Intel x64 architecture - that's a *significant* benefit to most code in having more data available directly on-chip in another register (and not just spatially local in the cache). Modern compilers will automatically optimise to …

Re: Sound card help

I would reccomend just trying a *single* SB16 first. You may find that you don't have any issues with stuck sounds in music playback as the problem is not universal - I have card with the chip version that is supposedly problematic, but have not encountered it. If you go with an SCC-1 for MIDI …

Re: Sound card help

Wow, thanks everyone for their quck replies. It sounds like I might get more out of the SB 16 CT2800. Any disadvantages to getting this card over the SB Pro 2.0? Music maybe? Any hanging note issues with the CT2800? Also, can I connect a Roland SCC-1 to the CT2800 to get better sounding music? …

Re: Time to backup my entire CD collection

One thing you need to consider is the longevity of your CD backups - will the software that created them still exist to read them in 5 - 10 - 15 years time on perhaps a completely different operating system and architecture? iso9660 format is, well, a standardised format. MDF/MDS, CCD and the others …

Re: memorable CPUs

Totally OT, but I heard about this data migration company from New York a while ago. Basically imagine yourself hording all this vintage hardware. And in 50 years nobody has this kind of hardware anymore, but there are important historical documents, which libraries and other bodies really really …

Re: memorable CPUs

Are you purely talking about PC's? I think it's highly dependent on what systems you used, and what your first computer experiences were. You've got a bit of a compromise to make if you want 'retro' but still 'modern' feel. Anything prior to, say the later P2 or P3-450 is going to be pretty much …

Re: DOS game programming

Also, since I'm going to be compiling DOS programs, I downloaded VirtualBox, but which DOS version should I run in it? 6.2 or 6.22 are your best bets since you're making modern, protected-mode software. You could always use DOSBox as well. The only reason you would want to run an earlier version is …

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