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Re: Reasons to hate modern games

in Milliways
I just saw The Callisto Protocol is free to keep on EGS, and apparently the conclusion to the game is sold separately as DLC. So if you actually bought the game, you ended up with a full-priced game that would then charge you extra to get the ending. And people wonder why so many hate modern games. …

Re: List of Currently Free Games

in Milliways
Epic Dragon Age Inquisition: Game of the Year Edition Already have it and I know I didn't buy it so possibly a dupe. I don't think so. I don't have it (and never missed a free game.) I also can't find it on any of the online lists of all the games that were given away on Epic. How on earth did you …

Re: List of Currently Free Games

in Milliways
kolderman wrote on 2024-01-04, 19:39: EPIC- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Note: This game uses Denuvo DRM. Just mentioning it here for people (like me) who don't want that stuff installed on their machines.

Re: List of Currently Free Games

in Milliways
various gog games for free https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/pcmaclinux-gog-collection-of-free-games-50-in-total-4224807 Yes, https://www.gog.com/partner/free_games has been known for years now. I don't know what kind of fake "deals" that site running, but from what I can see, they just list those …

Re: SoftMPU project needs your help! (game & sound card testing)

in SoftMPU
Reporting back. It works! well kinda... Using the MT32-Pi and SoftMPU, the voice over makes the music stop and hang. [...] MOUSE=MOUSE MUSIC=MT32 5 330 SOUND=BLASTER 5 220 GAMEDATA=D:\2GAMES\H\HOBOKEN\ VOCDATA=E:\HOBOKEN\ SAVEDATA=D:\2GAMES\H\HOBOKEN\ The game might actually require IRQ 2. If your …

Re: List of Currently Free Games

in Milliways
TheMLGladiator wrote on 2023-09-03, 14:17: DosFreak wrote on 2023-09-03, 03:31: GOG Helium Rain https://www.gog.com/game/helium_rain Looks like it's also free on Steam The guy who made this game is leaving game dev and made both his games free. The other game is Astral Shipwright: https://store. …

Re: Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!

I mean, it literally is an emulation of a different synthesizer that itself has a "compatbility mode" for the SC-55 versus the actual synth. Although, as you say, SC-55 mode is very close to a SC-55, with some exceptions. It is the closest thing to an SC-55. There's no way I can tell which is which …

Re: Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!

Trelokk wrote on 2023-05-29, 21:33: Especially as a gamer, you are actually better off with the S-YXG50, as it is much closer to emulating its hardware counterpart than the SCVA is. That statement kind of makes no sense to me. If the S-YXG50 is exactly the same as the hardware, then that's better …

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