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Re: Flattr-Buttons for Dosbox?

in Milliways
Before this gets lost: How about I sponsor you three monts of flattr? Then you (i.e. the DOSBox team) could try out the buttons and if you don't like them (or you don't get enough money) remove them again without having lost anything. If you don't know what I mean by sponsor, one thing to know about …

Re: Flattr-Buttons for Dosbox?

in Milliways
The most high-profile story I can think of right now is how Paypal denied the Minecraft guy access to his account (some hundreds of thousands of dollars in there) without any clear reason. Also there are a lot of horror stories out there about how they treat you if something goes wrong. Maybe I'm …

Flattr-Buttons for Dosbox?

in Milliways
Is there any way of microdonating to Dosbox? I see a Paypal button but using that is too much of a hassle for small donations. Another thing is that I (and many others) try to avoid using Paypal. I wish the Dosbox project had a flattr-Button. If you don't know what I'm talking about: Flattr is a …

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