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Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I'm not even sure what Nvidia would be good. I looked at 6800 maybe. I have read in some places that a 7800GS (that I have) might work with BFG drivers, but mine is a Gainward 7800GS+ (essentially 7900 on a 7800 board with 512MB RAM, which Win98 isn't a fan if either!).

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So, JustJulião, it sounds like Intel i740 runs pretty well, but that's AGP 2X which won't fit my AGP 4x/8x motherboard :D It's a can of worms out there... I'm half tempted to go for Nvidia hardware as then it takes over Direct3D so I know other Win9x only games will run well, as long as I can get …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So, what do we think of AGP vs PCI for the primary card? As SiS 6326 is available as both AGP and PCI, as you mention JustJulião. Gona lists the AGP one, which do you have? Also: if I wanted something with a bit more power (to run Direct3D games that only work on Windows 98 like Johnny Herbert's …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I'm pretty sure years ago I ran either a Tseng Labs card, and later a Matrox Millennium as the primary card for my Apocalypse 3D. But all those are long sold. I think this thread confirms Radeon isn't good for Revolte/Moon Racer. Back to eBay I go 😂

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

Thanks, that sounds like useful information. Any idea what primary cards you'd suggest, that definitely work well? Having spent about £150 on the M3D I don't want to spend a lot on a primary card 😀

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I tried the PowerVR R driver and it's the same situation (using Catalyst 4.3 for Win98 now). The Moon Racer demo behaves the same as the game for me, flickery menus items then you can see a lens flare moving around (leaving a trail) and hear game sounds effects, but the picture is missing, you still …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I tried 4.1.2 but not the modified ones. I'll try the demo later to compare. I wondered if it's because the 9600 has VGA and DVI ou, and Windows 98 detects it as a primary and secondary card. But then I also wonder if it's PCI talking to AGP on my IC7-G motherboard, BIOS settings or something else …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

My avatar is from Midnight GT: Primary Racer, a lesser-known, but sometimes nice-looking arcade street racing game from Rage. And thanks for your help. I saw user GordanFreeman had the M3D and Moon Racer working on a Pentium 4 with Voodoo 3 3000, but that's not a cheap main card! I've tried 4.3 and …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I've got issues running the 2 Virtuality KK titles on my M3D: Moon Racer and Revolte. Everything else I tried (Ultimate Race 1 & 3 track, Purevex, Virtual On) all work fine. But Revolte just shows either a white screen or a strobe effect when you start a game, whilst Moon Racer has very flickery …

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