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Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I'm on these, from vogonsdrivers at mo, and Moon Racer is fast but locked up mid race: nVidia Detonator/FW Driver v40.72 WHQL Win9X setup I ran these but Moon Racer had flickery menus: nVidia Detonator/FW Driver v45.23 Win9X setup OR nVidia Detonator/FW Driver v45.23 Win9X (Gf FX) I tried these and …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So I think I'll try DX7.0a with 56.64 drivers next, maybe, with PowerVR removed from the equation? I'm half wondering if the flickery issues in the Virtuality KK games (Revolte/Moon Racer) might be due to the MX440 not working right. Although both flickered with ATi 9600. I still wish I knew what …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

Ah it's likely Dx9 snuck in with Radeon then. But I've reformatted now and it's DX4 or 5 and still MX440 won't run D3D without crashing. Maybe I should take out the PowerVR card to check there's no weird conflict with that? At the end of the day, with some driver faffing I can theoretically play the …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

It's a 128MB card. Someone thought the card might be faulty but if D3D works in XP but not Win98SE it feels like something else. Both can/did at one point run Dx9a, as I think Creative drivers installed that (the games I put on are Dx5 or earlier). Radeon 9600 worked with D3D in Win98SE but Moon …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I've got a Pentium 4 3.2GHz Extreme Edition on an Abit IC-7G motherboard. I reformatted and reinstalled Win98SE yesterday, trying some 40.something Nvidia drivers. Still Direct3D test in DxDiag crash (no AGP acceleration option either), with DDHELP causing an exception in the Nvidia drivers VxD (I …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So I've been having trouble with my third card, to sit alongside Matrox M3D. First one I got 2X so wouldn't fit, second one (Radeon 9600) wouldn't play Moon Racer or Revolte without huge glitches. Now I've got an AGP Inno3D GeForce4 MX440 128MB 8X card and have run into some issues: 1. In Win98SE …

Re: Best Drivers for GeForce4 MX-440

Yeah that's it, looks like the board is in good condition though. I have no friends like that :-/ I was hoping it might be something less hardware, like the drivers being too old for DX9 or something. I'll investigate drivers later. Most of the games I want to run (on PowerVR) work though, my more …

Re: Best Drivers for GeForce4 MX-440

I'm not really an electronics kinda person. Is it highly likely to be capacitors? I think we've got a soldiering iron but don't think I have any testing gear, what would be needed? Multimeter or something? I'm more tempted to get a refund as seller said it's working (but they also said no returns)

Re: Best Drivers for GeForce4 MX-440

Any idea why Direct3D on my Ino3D GeForce MX450 8X is crashing DxDiag? What's the latest driver this card supports? I wondered if 43.25 is too early for DirectX9a (that I think might have been installed with soundcard drivers or some other drivers I tried from a previous graphics card, as the games …

Re: Best Drivers for GeForce4 MX-440

So I got an Inno3D GeForce MX440 8X card now (third candidate for 2D side alongside Matrox M3D). However I'm not sure all is well with it, as Direct3D seems not to be working properly. For some reason on my Win98SE setup, DirectX 9.0a seems to have got installed. If I try the Display > Direct3D …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

After watching a couple of videos on YouTube about why the FX 5200 is the worst graphics card, I decided to go for something a bit different and ordered an Inno3D Geforce4 MX440 128MB 8X AGP, as the MX440 appears to outperform the FX 5200 in older games.

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I saw this comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBgEW5cZ_9o which suggests the FX 5200 isn't the greatest, and even the GeForce4 MX440 will outperform it (apart from Doom 3 and I can run that on my Win10 machine!). Are there other period-correct Nvidia products (older or newer but cheap!) that …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So, if i had to pick between Nvidia 5200 FX, Intel i740 or SiS 6326, which would you go for? I think I'll have to rule out Intel i740 as it looks like 2X and my AGP has 4x/8x (connector the other way around). Actually, there's only one SiS 6326 on eBay with an AGP connector that would fit mine, the …

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